
  • Jihan Mailani Putri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ernati Ernati Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the learning system in the world has turned into an online learning system (in a network) which is connected through computer networks. This is commonly referred to as e-learning that should use appropriate media in the learning process during the pandemic. E-learning is a formal learning system using electronic resources. The essential component of e-learning is the use of computer technology and the Internet[1]. E-learning is very crucial in a pandemic situation, to carry out E-learning and learning process without having face-to-face meeting between teachers and students [2]. In e-learning situation, students find difficulties to understand the learning material due to the lack of direct explanations and examples from the teacher, so students are more silent and do not follow the lesson well [3]. In the current situation, the media that are most used by teachers are Google Classroom, Google Meet and Zoom as well as several video from You tube sent via WhatsApp Group. Some of media are not interactive. Most of students are lazy to do interaction such as asking question to the teacher. This is related to student’s focus, critical thinking, reflection and others. E-learning (electronic learning) is defined as a wider approach to learning that opens up new possibilities for teaching and learning in many areas of education [4]. E-learning is characterized as the transfer of information and skills via electronic media such as the Internet, intranets, and extranets in a well-designed course content with reputable accreditations [5]. There are several types of E-learning. They are fixed E-learning, adoptive E-learning, asynchronous E-learning, Interactive E-learning, Individual E-learning and collaborative E-learning [6]. The key advantage of e-learning using virtual learning apps and social media platforms is that students of the generation Z are made to feel at ease as the internet is employed for educational purposes[7]. In December 2019, an outbreak of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection was a severe acute respiratory infection that occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and spread throughout China and beyond. On February 12, 2020, WHO officially referred to the disease caused by the novel coronavirus as Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)[8]. During the Covid-19 pandemic, all activities were carried out from home, including learning. Thus activities that causes direct contact to be reduced so that this virus does not develop rapidly. The government also urges everyone to do social distancing to minimize the spread of this virus. Because E-learning has been held on pandemic situation, so students feedback or perception is necessary to know. Perception is the way you notice things especially with the senses. Perception is a way for students to interpret images and understand what they are feeling. This process begins with the collection, recognition, and interpretation of the sensory information receive [9]. perception is the process of using something that is received through the five senses so that each individual can choose, regulate and translate information to create a picture meaningful world [10]. Perception can be divided into two; positive perception and negative perception [11]. METHOD This research belongs to a descriptive research because it describes the current status the research subject [12]. The population of this research is the first year students at SMK N 4 Padang in the 2021/2022 academic year. The number of sample is 31 students taken by proportional stratified random sampling technique. To analyze reliability, the researcher used alpha formula. The result is 0.45 (reliable). To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire and distributed the questionnaire to the students by using Google form. The researcher gave score according the students response to the questionnaire; for positive statement in the questionnaire, 5 is for strongly agree (SA), 4 is for agree (A), 3 is for undecided (U), 2 is for disagree (D) and 1 is for strongly disagree (SD). For negative statement in the questionnaire, 1 is for strongly agree (SA), 2 is for agree (A), 3 is for undecided (U), 4 is for disagree (D), and 5 is for strongly disagree (SD). Then, researcher counted the total score for each student. Next, researcher classified the student who had positive and negative perception. Finally, the researcher calculated the percentage of students in each perception. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of data analysis, it is found that the first year students at SMK N 4 Padang have positive perception about English E-learning during Covid-19. It is showed by students positive perception is 65%. In order to be clear, see the table below. Table1. Classification of Students’ Perception toward English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1. Positive Perception 20 65% 2. Negative Perception 11 35% From the table above it can be states that the students have positive perception toward English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang. It means that the students like to have E-learning . Second, the students had positive perception about learning material of English E-learning during Covid-19 It is showed by students positive perception is 68%. In order to be clear, see the table below. Table 2. Classification of Students’ Perception toward Learning Material of English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1. Positive Perception 21 68% 2. Negative Perception 10 32% From the table above it can be states that the students have positive perception toward learning material of English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang. It means that the students like to have E-learning. Third, the students have positive perception about learning media of English E-learning during Covid-19. It is showed by students positive perception is 55%. In order to be clear, see the table below. Table3. Classification of Students’ Perception toward Learning Media of English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1. Positive Perception 17 55% 2. Negative Perception 14 45% From the table above it can be states that the students have positive perception toward learning media of English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang. It means that the students interest to have E-learning The last one is the students have positive perception about learning activities of English E-learning during Covid-19. It is showed by students positive perception is 58%. In order to be clear, see the table below. Table4. Classification of Students’ Perception toward learning activities of English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang No Classification Number of Students Percentage 1. Positive Perception 18 58% 2. Negative Perception 13 42% From the table above it can be states that the students have positive perception toward learning activities in English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang. It means that the students like to have E-learning. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION In line with the results of data analysis above, it can be concluded that the students had positive perception about English E-learning during Covid-19 at SMK N 4 Padang. Dealing with such conclusion, it is suggested to the teachers to use E-learning as learning variations because the students have positive perception. The students are suggested to do self E-learning because they have positive perception and they are interested E-learning. Further researchers are suggested to refer this research result as reference for future research. Keywords: Perception, E-learning, First Year Students, Covid-19. THANK YOU NOTE There are a lot of people who have helped and given motivation, advice and support to the researcher in writing this thesis. Therefore, the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to advisor Dra. Ernati, M. Pd who have helped the researcher in writing this thesis by giving guidance, suggestions and correction patiently. The researcher also thanks her beloved parents, Ade Menda Surya and Fitri Yenti for their fully support, motivation, and prayer to the researcher in writing the thesis. The researcher presents her sincere appreciation to Drs. Khairul, M. Sc as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Syukma Netti, M. Si as the Vice Dean, Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., M.A as the Head of English Department and all the lecturers who have taught and guided the researcher during studying at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The researcher is very grateful to have a close friend who always gives support. The appreciation goes to Dewi Murni for her help and support in this research.


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