INTRODUCTION One of the important skills that must be possessed by the language learners is writing. Through writing activity, the students can develop their thinking. There are some functions of writing, they are to communicate with a reader, to express ideas without having to meet in person, to explore a subject, to record experience and to become familiar with the conventions of written English discourse (a text)[1]. So, writing can be mention as a language skill which is used in indirect interaction, if people can’t meet each other. Writing is a difficult skill for native speakers and non-native speakers because writers must be able to write a text in multiple issues such as organization, content, purpose, vocabularies, audience, and mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and capitalization[2]. In writing, students must understand and know about vocabulary, grammar, sentence connection, sentence structure, etc. Students should learn so many aspects to make a good writing. To be a good writer, the students should get enough practice. The practice are supposed to stimulate the students’ skill in writing and expressing thoughts in a good passage. In revised Kurikulum 2013 of first year vocational high school, there are kinds of writing texts that are introduced to students. One of them is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text that describe place, animals, thing and other. The students should be able to write descriptive text with a good organization. So, they have to learn it well in teaching learning process. Based on the observation that writer did at class X Engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan, most of the students are not interested in writing. It is difficult for them to express their idea in writing because of lack of vocabulary, grammatical mastery, and background of knowledge. To face the problem above the teachers try to use media to make the students interested in learning writing. The technique has been applied by the English teacher at SMK Negeri 1 Painan. The teacher used video as the stimulus in teaching writing. There are two previous research that have been done about an analysis of students’ ability in writing descriptive text. Harahap (2018) found that the tenth grade students’ writing ability in senior high school 1 Tambang are good, but the students are still not able to use grammar correctly. Next, Siahaan (2013) found that the students get high and middle score to write a descriptive text with a good organization and language feature. METHOD This research used descriptive research. The writer selected descriptive research because this research described the students’ ability in writing a descriptive text after watching a video at class X Engineering major in SMKN 1 Painan. The population of this research is the students at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan. Simple random sampling technique was used on this research and the number of samples is 32 students. The instrument for collecting the data in this research is writing test. The writer used video as the stimulus to write a descriptive text. Students were asked to watch video before they wrote a descriptive text. The video is about Carocok beach. To make the test reliable, the writer used inter – rater technique. The reliability of the test is 0.93 which means very high correlation and the test is reliable. Then, the test is valid in terms of content because the material is about descriptive text has been covered by the curriculum and learned by the students. The procedures to collect the data are as follow: First, The writer played video about Carocok beach and asked students to watch the video for 10 minutes. Second, the writer asked students to write a descriptive text after watching the video. The time allocation for doing the test is 60 minute. Third, the writer collected the answer sheet from students when the time is over. Next, the writer copied the test paper and gave it to the second scorer. Finally, the writer and the second scorer gave the score based on the scoring. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The writer found that the students’ ability in writing descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. The students have been able to express their idea into a descriptive text after they watched a video. They also have been able to write the text with the correct introduction and description, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. There are 31 students (96.9%) who have high ability in writing descriptive text after watching a video and 1 students (3.1%) who has low ability as shown in Table 1. Table 1. Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 31 96.9% < 60 Low Ability 1 3.1% Total Number of Students 32 100% 1. Students’ Ability to Express the Content of Introduction of Descriptive Text after Watching a Video The writer found that the students’ ability to express the content of introduction in writing descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. They have been able to express the content of introduction about the topic. There are 20 students (62.5%) who are classified into high ability and 12 students (37.5%) who are classified as low ability as shown in table 2. Table 2. Students’ Ability to Express the Content of Introduction of Descriptive Text after Watching a Video KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 20 62.5% < 60 Low Ability 12 37.5% Total Number of Students 32 100% The students who have low ability didn’t express the content of introduction about the topic and some of them express the content of description about the topic on introduction paragraph. This research result is different with the research conducted by Wahyumi (2019). The result of the research is the students’ ability are classified into very poor ability in writing the organization of the descriptive text. 2. Students’ Ability to Express the Content of Description of Descriptive Text after Watching a Video The students’ ability to express the content of description in writing descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. They express the complete content of description about the topic in the description paragraph. The writer found that 26 students (72.2%) are classified into high ability and 6 students (18.8%) are classified as low ability as shown in table 3. Table 3. Students’ Ability to Express the Content of Description of Descriptive Text after Watching a Video KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 26 72.2% < 60 Low Ability 6 18.8% Total Number of Students 32 100% There are 6 students (18.8%) who are classified into low ability because in description paragraph some of them didn’t express the suitable content of description about the topic. This research result is different with the research conducted by Wahyumi (2019). The result of the research is the students’ ability are classified into very poor ability in writing the organization of the descriptive text. KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 32 100% < 60 Low Ability 0 0% Total Number of Students 32 100% 3. Students’ Ability to Use Correct Grammar in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video In grammar, the writer found that the students’ ability is high. The students have been able to write the sentences with a good grammar. There are 28 students (87.5%) who are classified into high ability and 4 students (12.5%) who are classified as low ability as shown in table 4. Table 4. Students’ Ability to Use Correct Grammar in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 28 87.5% < 60 Low Ability 4 12.5% Total Number of Students 32 100% There are 5 students (12.5%) who are classified into low ability. Most of them didn’t write a sentences in a correct grammar. This research result is in line with the research conducted by Yoandita (2019) entitled “An Analysis of Students’ ability and Difficulty in Writing Descriptive Text”. The result of this research is there is no significant difficulty in term of grammar. 4. Students’ Ability to Use Appropriate Vocabulary in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video The students’ ability to use appropriate vocabulary in writing descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. The writer found that all of students (100%) are classified into high ability. The students have been able to use appropriate vocabulary when they wrote descriptive text. In order to be clear see the table below: Table 5. Students’ Ability to Use Appropriate Vocabulary in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video This research result is different with the research conducted by Yoandita (2019) entitled “An Analysis of Students’ ability and Difficulty in Writing Descriptive Text”. The result of this research is the students faced difficulty in vocabulary. 5. Students’ Ability to Use Correct Mechanics in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video The writer found that the students’ ability to use correct mechanics in writing descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. All of the students (100%) are classified into high ability. The students have been able to use correct mechanics when they wrote the descriptive text. In order to be clear see the table below: Table 6. Students’ Ability to Use Correct Mechanics in Writing Descriptive Text after Watching a Video KKM Ability Number of Students The Percentage ≥ 60 High Ability 32 100% < 60 Low Ability 0 0% Total Number of Students 32 100% The research result is different with the research done by Wahyumi (2019) entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text (A Study at Second Grade of SMPN 3 Botonompo)”. The result of this research is students’ ability is classified into very poor in mechanics. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS The result of this research in general shows that the students’ ability in writing a descriptive text after watching a video is high. It is indicated by the data that 96.9% students get high ability. In detail, 62.5% students get high ability to express the content of introduction of the text, 72.2% students get high ability in express the content of description of the text, 87.5% students get high ability in using a correct grammar, 100% students get high ability in using appropriate vocabulary and correct mechanics. Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in writing a descriptive text after watching a video at class X engineering major in SMK Negeri 1 Painan is high. The writer wants to give some suggestions to the students, teacher and school. For the students, they need to maintain their writing skills by practicing writing regurarly. For the teachers, it is better to use stimulus before asking the students to write because the students have high ability in writing after watching a video. For head master of SMK Negeri 1 Painan, it is better to upgrade the criteria standard minimum score because it is low. Keywords: Writing Ability, Descriptive Text, Video THANK YOU NOTE The writer would like to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, the writer would like to express her special thanks to Dra. Ernati, M.Pd as her advisor who have guided and helped her in accomplishing this thesis. The writer also would like to thank to her supervisors, Dr. Lely Refnita, M.Pd and Dr. Joni Alfino, M.Pd who give a lot of input and correction in writing this thesis. The writer also would like to express sincere appreciation to Drs. Khairul, M.Sc. as the Dean and Dr. Syukma Netti, M.Si as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Bung Hatta University, to Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., MA as the Head of English Department, and also to all of the lecturers who have taught and guided her during her study at this department. Then her special great goes to her lovely parents, Hasnul Karim, SH and Sri Artati Susilawaty, M.Pd as well as her big family for their love and care which cannot be paid by any material in this world. Also, she would like to say thanks to her best brother M. Fachri Rahman who has supported and given motivation to the researcher. The writer also wants to express her special thanks to her grandmother, aunties, uncles, and cousins who always motivated and support the writer to complete this thesis. The writer also wants to express her special gratitude to her best friends, Nadia Mayang Sari, Yustika Apritasari, Atsila Shalsabila, Jihan Mailani Putri, Dian Novita Nanda, Yuni Indrawati, Siti Fadila al-Ramadhani for their endless love, motivation, help, supports, and prayer to finish this thesis. The writer also says thanks to all of her friends that could not be mentioned one by one, thank you for the laughs, supports and the experiences.Referensi
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