Peningkatan Kemampuan Menulis Karangan Narasi melalui Gambar Seri di Kelas IV SD Negeri 04 Bariang Rao-rao Kabupaten Solok Selatan


  • Emmaniarti .
  • Syofiani .
  • Refinaldi .


This research is motivated low yields daily test values (UH) fourth grade students the second semester of the school year 2012/2013 which is below the value of 6.5 KKM. Of the 29 students, only 9 people who get top grades in KKM, the rest are under the KKM. This is due to difficult students express an idea or ideas in writing, students do not use punctuation correctly, the resulting student essay not well ordered as to the content of essay topics mismatch. The purpose of this study was to describe an increase in students' ability to write a narrative essay in the series of images through fourth grade Elementary School District 04 Bariang Rao-rao South Solok. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects were fourth graders who totaled 29 people. The research data obtained from observations, test results, and self-reflection that researchers do of any remedial action through the method of demonstration. The results seen every cycle there is an increase in student learning outcomes. In the first cycle test measures the percentage of completeness 62.3% of student learning outcomes. Later in the second cycle of student learning outcomes completeness percentage at 78%. It can be concluded that the image through the series can improve the ability to write a narrative essay fourth grade students in District 04 Bariang Rao-rao South Solok author has managed to do.

Keywords: Authorship Narrative, Image Series, Learning Outcomes


