Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa Kelas VIII 9 Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Melalui Strategi Inkuiri di SMPN 21 Padang


  • . Risdawati
  • . Pebriyenni
  • . Muslim


This study is based on the lack of activity students learn to answer and make conclusions in Civics subject in eighth grade at Junior High School 21 9 Padang. This result is achieved learning outcomes are not as expected. Formulation of the problem in this study is how to improve student learning activities in answering questions and making inferences Civics subjects in class VIII 9 SMPN 21 Padang. This research is a classroom action research. The subjects were students of class VIII 9 SMPN 21 Padang, amounting to 31 people. Instruments used in this study was the observation of student activity sheets, activity sheets teacher observations, and field notes. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in the ability to answer questions and make the conclusion that the subject matter increased students / no. Based on the analysis of the studies that have been done have shown the average percentage of students answering questions on the activity of the first cycle of 64.26%, 45.31% making inferences, the second cycle activity percentage 75.83% of students answering questions, making inferences 81.07% . Furthermore percentage of teacher activity activity cycle I 76.67%, 83.33% in the second cycle. With an average percentage of teacher activity cycle I to cycle II 80%. Conclusions of research using inquiry strategies can improve student learning activities eighth grade 9 SMP 21 Padang.

Keywords: Learning Activity, Learning Civics, Strategic Inquiry, PTK.


