INTRODUCTION Vocabulary is a component that we must master in learning English. In addition, Vocabulary is one of the essential language components in studying the language.[1] Therefore, when we communicate using English, our focus is not only on grammar and pronunciation, but also on vocabulary. If we do not master the vocabulary of course we will have difficulty using English. Vocabulary is one of the important aspects of learning English. Communication in a second language will be more difficult without learning vocabulary.[2] In this era, many people prefer watching rather than reading books. Most people think that reading is boring. Especially in this digital era, knowledge is very easy to get. We can get it from digital media such as watching short movie. In this era, many people use technology to gain knowledge, such as in learning English. Many people use the media to watch English movies to improve their English skills. English short movies can teach people about history, science, human behavior, and others.[3] There was the information about the students’ vocabulary mastery, that has been collected by researcher on May 5, 2022 through a questionnaire with the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. There are difficulties to understand the vocabulary and word class of the vocabulary in English short movie, so that sometimes they still need subtitles in watching English movie to understand the movies they watch. This happens because there are many words that are rarely found, same spelling and there are also many vocabularies whose pronunciation is almost the same, which makes it difficult to understand the contents of the movie and they do not know the words class of the vocabulary. Based on the explanations above, the researcher was interested in conducting a research about the second year students’ mastery in understanding vocabulary of function and content words in a short English movie at the English Department. METHOD The researcher used descriptive research design. Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or answer, questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study.[4] The population of this research was the second year students’ of English department of Bung Hatta University. The researcher used total technique sampling. The number of samples was 30 students. Instrument for collecting the data in this research was vocabulary test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used split-half technique. The reliability index of the test was 0.99 which was categorized as high correlation. It means that the test was reliable. To collect the data, the researcher administered the test online to the students. The researcher asked the students to do the test in 30 minutes. Next, the researcher counted the raw score of each student. Then, the researcher converted the students’ score. Finally, the researcher classified the students’ percentage. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The result of this research showed that the second year students’ mastery in vocabulary understanding of function and content words were excellent, good, fair and poor mastery. The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Short Movie at English Department The result showed that there were 4 students (13.33%) who had excellent mastery, 4 students (13.33%) who had good mastery, 10 students (33.33%) who had fair mastery, and 12 students (40%) who had poor mastery. It means that the mastery of the second year students in vocabulary at English Department of Bung Hatta University had poor mastery. Furthermore, there are some students who got the score below of 40 (6 students or 20%). The students still need much to learn in understanding vocabulary overall. To make it clear, the result can be seen in the following table: Table 1 The Percentage of the Second Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Bung Hatta University Grade Number of Students The Percentage Excellent 4 13,33% Good 4 13,33% Fair 10 33,33% Poor 12 40% Total 30 100% The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Short Movie at English Department in Kind of Content Words The result showed that there are 12 students (40%) who had excellent mastery, 4 students (13,33%) who had good mastery, 2 students (6,67%) who had fair mastery, and 12 students (40%) who had poor mastery. It means that the mastery of the second year students’ in understanding vocabulary at English Department of Bung Hatta University in term of content is balance, but they still need much training and reviewing. To make it clear, it can be seen on the following table: Table 2 The Percentage of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Kind of Content Words of Second Year at Bung Hatta University Grade Number of Students The Percentage Excellent 12 40% Good 4 13,33% Fair 2 6,67% Poor 12 40% Total 30 100% The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Short Movie at English Department in Kind of Function Words Based on the data analysis, the researcher found 3 students (13,33%) who had excellent mastery, 3 students (10%) who had good mastery, 6 students (20%) who had fair mastery, and 17 students (57%) who had poor mastery. It means that mastery of the second year students’ in understanding vocabulary at the English Department of Bung Hatta University in term of function is poor. There are many students who got score below on average. To make it clear, it can be seen on the following table: Table 3 The Percentage of Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Kind of Function Words of Second Year at Bung Hatta University Grade Number of Students The Percentage Excellent 4 13,33% Good 3 10% Fair 6 20% Poor 17 57% Total 30 100% CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings, generally the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University got fair and poor 22 students (73.33%). This is the high value. The students who got excelent and good mastery just 8 students (26.67%). Specifically the mastery of the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University in vocabulary understanding in term of content was balance. It can be seen at the result of finding was 16 students (53.33%) who got excellent and 14 students (46.67%) who got fair and poor grade in term of content. The mastery of the third year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University have poor mastery in vocabulary understanding in term of function. There were 23 students (76.67%) who had fair and poor mastery but there just 7 students (23.33%) who got excellent and good. Keywords: Vocabulary, Function Words, Content Words, Short MovieReferensi
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