
  • Chantika Nurmalita Harahap Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairul Khairul Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Learning English is critical for preparing students for future careers and developing their skills in their respective fields. In mastering English, students should learn four skills in English. There are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is useful for language acquisition because when students read more, they should be able to understand more of what they read [1]. Reading is importance for students because reading can build a knowledge, expands vocabulary, memory skills and self-esteem[2]. In conclusion, reading activity allows students to broaden their knowledge and also make them wise and respectful. In reading, there are some difficulties. Students find difficulties such as about the vocabulary and how to understand the text. They don’t understand some words and can’t remember what they have read. When they don’t know the vocabulary, it will hard for them to understand the meaning of the text. Students should understand the meaning of the text and remember the content to get information. Using the fit learning reading strategies will help students as effective way in reading and acquiring higher studying achievement. Reading difficulty is characterized by loss in processes such as decoding phonetic information, word recognition, and comprehension [3]. The topic, main concept, and supporting details of the text must be identified by the students. It can help them effortlessly to infer the information in the text. Reading strategies are behavior or actions that students take to enhance their own reading. Reading strategies are classified into three main categories; metacognitive, cognitive and social strategy [4]. Reading strategies are important for students because they can help them to improve their skills and increase their achievement in reading. Understanding the reading strategies is important for student’s success to realize how they learn best. METHOD This research used correlation research. Correlational research involves collecting data in order to determine whether a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables and to what degree it is [5]. In this research, the population was the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total number of population was30students. The researcher used questionnaire and reading test in multiple choices form as the instrument to collect the data. To make the test reliable, the researcher used split-half technique for reading test and alpha formula for students’ reading strategies. To collect the data, the researcher administered the reading test in 45 minutes and the students’ reading strategies questionnaire in 25 minutes. Then, the researcher gave the students’ score. Finally, the researcher counted the correlation between students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The Correlation between Students’ Reading Strategies and their Reading Achievement. The result of data analysis showed that the value of coefficient correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was 0.485. To see whether such correlation was significant or not, it was compared with the value of rtable at confidence level and df = n-2 (28). As a matter of fact, the value of rtable was 0,361 . It means that rcounted was higher than rtable (0.485 > 0.361). It can be stated that there was significant positive correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that stated “there was a significant correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was accepted. This result showed that there was a significant correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University. It means Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It means that students’ reading strategies was closely related with students’ reading achievement. In other words, an increase on students’ reading strategies is associated with an increase on students reading achievement. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the finding of the research result in the previous chapter, it can be conclude that the correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was classified as moderate correlation and it means Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on conclusions of this study, the researcher proposed some suggestions for lecturers, students and the future researchers. For the lecturers, lecturers can incorporate learning reading strategies into their teaching methods and motivate students use learning reading strategies for as much as possible. The students are suggested to improve their reading skill and do more exercise to improve their reading skill. Students also suggested applying the reading strategies to enhance their reading achievement. Future researchers are suggested to conduct a related study on the correlation between the students' strategies in other skills THANK YOU NOTE In the process of writing this thesis, many people have supported, motivated, and helped the researcher. She realizes that without their support and help, she could not finish her thesis. Therefore, she would like to express her deepest honor and gratitude to Drs. Khairul, M. Sc. as her advisor who gave valuable advice, suggestions, support, and time in the middle of his schedule. Then her special great pride goes to her lovely parents, Ali Damra and Kiki Nurlaela for their endless love, motivation, support, and prayers. Also, she would like to say thanks to her beloved friend; Shinta Oktavia who helped the researcher by guiding and supporting her. INTRODUCTION Learning English is critical for preparing students for future careers and developing their skills in their respective fields. In mastering English, students should learn four skills in English. There are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Reading is useful for language acquisition because when students read more, they should be able to understand more of what they read [1]. Reading is importance for students because reading can build a knowledge, expands vocabulary, memory skills and self-esteem[2]. In conclusion, reading activity allows students to broaden their knowledge and also make them wise and respectful. In reading, there are some difficulties. Students find difficulties such as about the vocabulary and how to understand the text. They don’t understand some words and can’t remember what they have read. When they don’t know the vocabulary, it will hard for them to understand the meaning of the text. Students should understand the meaning of the text and remember the content to get information. Using the fit learning reading strategies will help students as effective way in reading and acquiring higher studying achievement. Reading difficulty is characterized by loss in processes such as decoding phonetic information, word recognition, and comprehension [3]. The topic, main concept, and supporting details of the text must be identified by the students. It can help them effortlessly to infer the information in the text. Reading strategies are behavior or actions that students take to enhance their own reading. Reading strategies are classified into three main categories; metacognitive, cognitive and social strategy [4]. Reading strategies are important for students because they can help them to improve their skills and increase their achievement in reading. Understanding the reading strategies is important for student’s success to realize how they learn best. METHOD This research used correlation research. Correlational research involves collecting data in order to determine whether a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables and to what degree it is [5]. In this research, the population was the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total number of population was30students. The researcher used questionnaire and reading test in multiple choices form as the instrument to collect the data. To make the test reliable, the researcher used split-half technique for reading test and alpha formula for students’ reading strategies. To collect the data, the researcher administered the reading test in 45 minutes and the students’ reading strategies questionnaire in 25 minutes. Then, the researcher gave the students’ score. Finally, the researcher counted the correlation between students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The Correlation between Students’ Reading Strategies and their Reading Achievement. The result of data analysis showed that the value of coefficient correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was 0.485. To see whether such correlation was significant or not, it was compared with the value of rtable at confidence level and df = n-2 (28). As a matter of fact, the value of rtable was 0,361 . It means that rcounted was higher than rtable (0.485 > 0.361). It can be stated that there was significant positive correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that stated “there was a significant correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was accepted. This result showed that there was a significant correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University. It means Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It means that students’ reading strategies was closely related with students’ reading achievement. In other words, an increase on students’ reading strategies is associated with an increase on students reading achievement. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the finding of the research result in the previous chapter, it can be conclude that the correlation between the second year students’ reading strategies and their reading achievement at English Department of Bung Hatta University was classified as moderate correlation and it means Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on conclusions of this study, the researcher proposed some suggestions for lecturers, students and the future researchers. For the lecturers, lecturers can incorporate learning reading strategies into their teaching methods and motivate students use learning reading strategies for as much as possible. The students are suggested to improve their reading skill and do more exercise to improve their reading skill. Students also suggested applying the reading strategies to enhance their reading achievement. Future researchers are suggested to conduct a related study on the correlation between the students' strategies in other skills THANK YOU NOTE In the process of writing this thesis, many people have supported, motivated, and helped the researcher. She realizes that without their support and help, she could not finish her thesis. Therefore, she would like to express her deepest honor and gratitude to Drs. Khairul, M. Sc. as her advisor who gave valuable advice, suggestions, support, and time in the middle of his schedule. Then her special great pride goes to her lovely parents, Ali Damra and Kiki Nurlaela for their endless love, motivation, support, and prayers. Also, she would like to say thanks to her beloved friend; Shinta Oktavia who helped the researcher by guiding and supporting her.


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