The study is titled "Use of Language Style Advertising Posmetro Padang". Study Program Indonesian Language and Literature, Language and Art Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Bung Hatta Padang. This study aims to: (1) describe the style of figurative language in ad POSMETRO Padang, (2) describe the meaning to be conveyed through the use of language in the style of the ad. The theory used in this study is the theory advanced by the Keraf Pradopo and stylistic divides into two, namely: (1) style of figurative language such as: comparison, metaphor, personification, sinekdoke, allegory, and metonymy. (2) such rhetorical style: redundance, tautology, paralisme, hyperbole, paradox and klimaks. Penelitian This is because qualitative research produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and behaviors that can be observed. The method used is descriptive method of data Padang. Penelitian Posmetro newspaper advertising is not limited to data collection and compilation of data, but also includes data analysis and interpretation of the meaning of the data. This study suggests that the style of language contained in newspaper advertisements POSMETRO Padang style varies its kind that the figurative language: metaphor, personification, and sinekdoke metonomia. Based on the analysis of data it can be concluded that the most dominant style of language used in newspaper style POSMETRO metonomia Padang is because it uses an attribute / word to express something else.
Keywords: Advertising, Language Style, newspaper Padang POSMETRO