Konflik Tokoh Utama Novel Perahu Kertas Karya Dewi Lestari dan Relevansinya dengan Realitas Sosial
The purposes of this research was to describe (1) the conflict of the main character in the novel of Perahu Kertas created by Dee and (2) the relevance of the main character conflict with social context in terms of sociology literature.The theory used are theory purposed by Nurgiyantoro about conflict and Ratna about sociology literature. Kind of this research is qualitative research by using descriptive method. In collecting the data by doing these steps (1) reading the novel of Perahu Kertas created by Dee and then we can understand about the message of the novel and the content of the story in the novel (2) marking the object of the research that has found in internal conflict and external conflict in the novel (3) writing all the data that has found based on the instrument of the data that is used in this research. Technique of analyzing the data by doing these steps (1) classifying the data (2) analyzing the data that related to internal and external conflict (3) Interpreting the data that related to the conflict of the main character with social reality (4) making the conclusion based on the interpret data. The result of the data analysis as follow. First, the main character in the novel of Perahu Kertas created by Dee that happened in internal conflict consist of 41 conflicts of Keenan and 33 conflicts of Kugy. Besides that, the main character also has external conflict, consist of 9 conflicts of Keenan, and 17 conflicts of Kugy. Second, there is a relationship between the main character conflict with social reality. The differences between child and parent’s opinion and the desire of someone that having difficulties in determine a decision and a choice are realities that we can find in our community.
Keywords: Internal conflict, external conflict, Main Figures, Social Reality