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Speaking Ability, Speaking Practice, Improve Ability.Abstrak
INTRODUCTION The teaching of English is focused on the ability of learners to be able to mastery the four language skiils, namely: listening, reading, speaking and writing (Depdiknas, 2003: 6), the learners should have abilities in reading and listening to support their speaking and writing . One of the language skill is speaking skill. According to Ladouse (in Nunan, 1991 : 23) speaking is an activity to explain someone in a certain situations or an activity to report something. Meanwhile, according to Tarigan (1990 : 8) “speaking is a way to communicate that affects our daily lives. The word “media” is often heard in teaching and learning process. The existence of media in a learning process cannot be separated. The word media comes from latin word “medius” which is literally interpreted as the middle, the introduction or the intermediary which means being in two positions between the teacher and the language. Furthermore, Wilson (1983 : 5) defines speaking as development of the relationship between speaker and listener. In addition speaking determining which logical linguistic, psychological a physical rules should be applied in a given communicate situations”. It means that the main objective of speaking is for communication. In order to express effectively, the speaker should exactly what he/she wants to speak or to communicate, he/she has to be able to evaluate the effects of his/her comnmunication to his/her listener, he/she has to understand any principle that based his/her speaking either in general or in individual. Based on the statements above the researcher infers that if someone speaks, he/she should understand what is he/she talking about. In this section, the writer should develop ideas or build some topics to be talked and to make other responds to what speakers says. On the other hand, speaking can be called as oral communication and speaking is one of the skils in English learning. This become one important subject that teacher should give. That is why the teachers have big challenge to enable their students have big challenge to enable speaking English in class or out of the class. METHOD In this research, the researcher used descriptive research. according to Refnita (2018: 17) “descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study.” The aim of this research is to find out whether the third year students speaking ability in speaking after pandemic at Fkip of Bung Hatta University. According to Refnita (2018 : 74) “the population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to which he or she would like the result of the study to be generalizable.” The population of this research is the third year students speaking ability in speaking after pandemic at Fkip of Bung Hatta University. The number of the sample is 30 students. According to Refnita (2018 :73), sampling is a process of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected. Usman and Akbar in Kirana (2020:21) defines total sampling is the research which uses all the population to be the sample. The researcher will use total sampling technique because the population is less than 100 students. The researcher used speaking test for collecting the data. In this research, the researcher gave the speaking test to the students speaking ability after pandemic era and explain/ express their idea about the ability to speak English after pandemic era, is there improvement or not. The researcher gave 3-5 minutes for each students’ to do the test and the speakers will be judged based on content, vocabulary, and grammar. The researcher wants to know their speaking ability after pandemic era. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Based on the result of the analysis score and after converting the score into Bung Hatta University’s criteria, the students’ seen from fluency was moderate ability. It was found that 7 students (23,3%) had very high ability, 9 students (30%) had high ability, 5 students (16,6%) had moderate ability and, 9 students (30%) had low ability. Based on Bung Hatta Criterion the researcher classified students’ speaking ability into very high, high, moderate and low (see Appendix 16.) Table 4.5 The students speaking ability in seen from fuency Ability Sum of Students The Percentage of Students Very High Ability 7 23,3% High Ability 9 30% Moderate Ability 5 16,6% Low Ability 9 30% Based on the finding, the researcher discusses the result of the study on students speaking ability after pandemic. The reseacher found that the students had very high, high, moderate, and low scorers in speaking ability after pandemic era. Each of them is discussed as follows: Ability Sum of Students The Percentage of Students Very High Ability 9 30% High Ability 10 33,3% Moderate Ability 5 16,6% Low Ability 6 20% CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that : 1. In general, the students’ speaking ability after andemic at FKIP of Bung Hatta University was very high. It was proved by fact from 30 students that 9 students (30%) had very high ability, 9 students (30%) had high ability, 6 students ( 20%) had moderate ability, and 6 students ( 20%) had low ability. The classification of students score based on criterion reference of Bung Hatta University are (80% – 100%) had very high score, (65% - 79,99%) had high score, (55% - 64,99%) had moderate score, and (0% - 54,99%) had low score. 2. The students’ speaking ability after pandemic at FKIP of Bung Hatta University seen from Content was moderate. It was proved by fact from 30 students that 7 (23,3%) had very high ability, 2 students (6,66%) had high ability, 13 students (43,3%) had moderate ability, and 8 students (26,6) had low ability. The classification of students score based on criterion reference of Bung Hatta University are (80% – 100%) had very high score, (65% - 79,99%) had high score, (55% - 64,99%) had moderate score, and (0% - 54,99%) had low score. 3. The students’ speaking ability after pandemic at FKIP of Bung Hatta University seen from Vocabulary was very high. It was proved by fact from 30 students that 10 students (33,3%) had very high ability, 9 students (30%) had high ability, 4 students ( 13,3%) had moderate ability, and 7 students (23,3%) had low ability. The classification of students score based on criterion reference of Bung Hatta University are (80% – 100%) had very high score, (65% - 79,99%) had high score, (55% - 64,99%) had moderate score, and (0% - 54,99%) had low score. 4. The students’ speaking ability after pandemic at FKIP of Bung Hatta University seen from Grammar was low. It was proved by fact from 30 students that 9 students ( 30%) had very high ability, 1 students (3,33%) had high ability, 5 students ( 16,6%) had moderate ability, and 15 students (50%) had low ability. The classification of students score based on criterion reference of Bung Hatta University are (80% – 100%) had very high score, (65% - 79,99%) had high score, (55% - 64,99%) had moderate score, and (0% - 54,99%) had low score. Based on the conclusions above, the researcher gives some suggestions as follows: 1. The students are suggested to always practice themselves because it can help to improve ability to speak English well 2. Because the researcher only examined the studens’ speaking ability after pandemic, especially seen from content, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and fluency and aways practice themselves to improve to speak English well To the future researcher, the researcher suggested to used another topic that will be researched.Referensi
Depdiknas (2003:6) The teaching of English, and Language Skills. Journal of education and teaching.Retrieved on August 1, 2021, from
Ladouse (In Nunan, 1991:23) speaking is an activity to explain something to Explain Someone. Journal of English Education Study Program, 3(1). Retrieved on Desember 4,2020, from http://lppm.stkippgri–
Tarigan (1990:8) speaking is a way to communicate in our daily lives. Jurnal Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Ianggris FKIP Universitas Bung Hatta, 2(5). Retrieved on January, 10, 2021 from
Wilson (1979:98) Oral Practice (Speaking). Jurnal of Research in English Education 2(1). Retrieved on Juli 26,2021,from
Refnita, L. (2018). Educational research: A Guide for Beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta.