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Ability, Transitive verb, Simple Present SentenceAbstrak
INTRODUCTION English is dominant language used in the field of education by schools, universities, and also institutes today [1]. If we want to be good at English, we should master four language skills; namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Then, to master language skills, the students need language elements or components: grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, and so on . As being stated above, the students have to master grammar. In discussing grammar, we are dealing with for example, the types of sentences: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound – complex sentences. There are, then, transitive verb and intransitive verb in the sentences. Transitive verbs used a direct object, which is a noun that receives the action of the verb [2]. A verb is said to be a transitive verb only when the verb puts action on the object of the sentence [3]. The purpose of this research is to describe the third year students’ mastery of transitive verb in simple present sentence at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. Some Previous Related Studies are explained as follows. Fitri (2015) did a research entitled “An Analysis of The Third Year Students' Ability In Writing Affirmative Compound Sentences In Simple Present Tense At SMAN 3 Pariaman”. She found that, 30 students (66,67%) had moderate ability in writing affirmative sentences in simple present tense [4]. Rahmadan (2017) did a research entitled “An Analysis of The Second Year Students’ Ability In Writing Simple Sentences Using Past Continuous Tense At English Department of Bung Hatta University”. He found that, 15 students (53.57 %) had good ability in writing simple sentences in negative form [5]. Sartika (2015) did a research entitled “An Analysis of The Second Year Students' Difficulties In Changing Affirmative Sentence Into Interogative Sentence In Simple Present Tense At SMPN 3 Kota Solok. He found that, writing affirmative sentence into yes-no question in verbal sentence using the simple present tense 11 students (28,9 %) made mistakes and writing affirmative sentence into yes-no question in nominal sentence using simple present tense 4 (10,5 %) made mistakes [6]. METHOD The researcher used descriptive research design. Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer the questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study [7]. The population of this research was the third year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total number of population members is 30 students who consists of one class. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. The number of samples was 30 students. To make the test reliable, the researcher used inter-rater technique. The reliability index of the test was 0.996 which was categorized as high correlation. It means that the test was reliable. To collect the data, the researcher used writing sentence test. The researcher asked the students to write 18 affirmative, 18 negative, and 18 interogative sentences containing transitive verb in simple present tense. In analyzing the data, the researcher did the following steps. first, she presented the score of each sample that had been given and converted by first scorer and second scorer. Then she classified the scores into excellent, good, moderate and low ability based on Bung Hatta University Criterion. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The students’ ability to write affirmative Sentences using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense was excellent. Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher found that 28 students had excellent ability, 1 student had good ability and 1 student had moderate ability. Table 1 The Students Ability to Write Affirmative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense Students Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage 80-100 Excellent 28 students 93.33% 65-79 Good 1 student 3.33 % 55-64 Moderate 1 student 3.33% ≤ 54 Low 0 0% 30 students 100% The students’ ability to write negative Sentences using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense was excellent. Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher found that 28 students had excellent ability, 2 students had moderate ability. Table 2 The Students Ability to Write Negative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense Students Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage 80-100 Excellent 28 students 93.33% 65-79 Good 0 0% 55-64 Moderate 2 students 6.67% ≤54 Low 0 0% 30 students 100% The students’ ability to write interogative Sentences using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense was excellent. Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher found that 29 students had excellent ability and 1 students had good ability. Table 3 The Students Ability to Write Interogative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb in Simple Present Tense Students Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage 80-100 Excellent 29 students 96.67% 65-79 Good 1 student 3.33% 55-64 Moderate 0 0% ≤54 Low 0 0% 30 students 100% 1. The Result Of Third Year Students Ability To Write Affirmative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb In Simple Present Tense The researcher found that 93.33 % students had excellent ability, 3.33 % had good ability and 3.33 % had moderate ability to use transitive verb in writing simple present sentence. It means that the students understand and they were able to write affirmative sentence using transitive verb in simple present tense. But, some students still made mistakes in used incorrect punctuation. 2. The Result Of Third Year Students Ability To Write Negative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb In Simple Present Tense The researcher found that, 93.33 % students had excellent ability, 6.67 % students had moderate ability. It means that the students understand and they were able to write negative sentence using transitive verb in simple present tense. But, some students still made mistakes in used incorrect punctuation and incorrect grammar. 3. The Result Of Third Year Students Ability To Write Interogative Sentences By Using Transitive Verb In Simple Present Tense The researcher found that 96.67 % students had excellent ability and 3.33 % students had good ability and. It means that the students understand and they were able to write interogative sentence using transitive verb in simple present tense. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the third year students’ mastery of transitive verb in simple present sentence at the English department of bung hatta university was excellent. The students’ ability of the third year students at the English Department Bung Hattta University to write affirmative sentences by using transitive verb in simple present sentence, was indicated 28 students (93.33 %) had excellent ability, 1 student (3.33 %) had good ability, 1 student (3.33 %) had moderate ability and 0 had low ability, it was proved by the data. The students’ ability of the third year students at the English Department Bung Hattta University to write negative sentences by using transitive verb in simple present sentence, was indicated had 28 students (93.33 %) had excellent ability, 2 students (6.67 %) had moderate ability, it was proved by the data. The students’ ability of the third year students at the English Department Bung Hattta University to write interogative sentences by using transitive verb in simple present sentence, was indicated 29 students (96.67%) had excellent ability, 1 student (3.33 %) had good ability, 0 had moderate ability and 0 had low ability, it was proved by the data. The researcher suggests to the the students, the third year students who have excellent ability and good ability in writing simple present sentence using transitive verb are suggested to maintain their ability and who have moderate ability and low ability in writing simple present sentence using transitive verb are suggested to do more exercises and to the lecturers to give exercise about simple present sentence using transitive verb and give more explanations about simple present tense.Referensi
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Fitri, M. D. 2015. An Analysis of The Third Year Students' Ability In Writing Affirmative Compound Sentences In Simple Present Tense At SMAN 3 Pariaman. Unpublished Thesis. Padang : Bung Hatta University.
Gallo, C. 2014. Talk like TED: The 9 public-speaking secrets of the world’s top minds. New York, NY : St. Martin’s Press.
Rahmadan, K. 2017. An Analysis of The Second Year Students’ Ability In Writing Simple Sentences Using Past Continuous Tense At English Department of Bung Hatta University. Unpublished Thesis. Padang : Bung Hatta University.
Refnita, L. 2018. Educational research: A guide for beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta.
Sartika, D. 2015. An Analysis of The Second Year Students' Difficulties In Changing Affirmative Sentence Into Interogative Sentence In Simple Present Tense At SMPN 3 Kota Solok. Unpublished Thesis. Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Snedon, J. N. 2000. Understanding Indonesian Grammar. New South Wales: Allen & Unwin.