INTRODUCTION Technology plays a very important role in people's lives today and can be used in various aspects of life. For example, today's society tends to use technology in their activities such as looking for job information, completing work, and even searching for information via the internet. YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing services on the internet today. The advantage of learning with video is that it presents image and sound representations of an event to students in the classroom [1]. One of the lessons that can use YouTube as a learning medium is English lessons. Many students build their English through a fusion of methods by taking English classes, reading books, watching English movies and learning English with English software, and using media Youtube for videos or listening to music[2]. Using YouTube inside and outside the classroom can be very useful for developing speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. YouTube can be a valuable tool through which various language skills can be taught. YouTube videos can be used to sensitize students about the diversity of English spoken around the world and provide them with authentic material for speaking skills. YouTube offers many opportunities to learn a second language because students can watch and listen to various types of spoken material (formal, informal), genres (songs, debates, talk shows, film clips) [3]. Previous studies have stated that YouTube is very successful because it helps students to learn more broadly so that students feel more confident and feel easier to understand when studying online, and they do not have to worry about the terms they use when studying [4]. A teacher needs to be able to find out how students perceive the use of youtube so that they can take corrective steps as well as guidelines in making decisions. In other words, a teacher needs to know the students’ perceptions of the use of youtube. Perception is a response to a stimulus received by a person. Based on the explanations above, the researcher was interested in conducting research related to student's perceptions of using youtube as a learning media in English online learning at SMA N 13 Padang. The limitation of the problem in this study was that the YouTube learning media seen from students' perceptions. The researcher assumes that this research needs to be done because its findings may contribute scientific information that can be useful for improving the teaching and learning process of English in the classroom. METHOD The researcher applied a descriptive study as the research design. A descriptive study determines and reports the way things are. In descriptive research, the data are typically collected through a questionnaire survey, an interview, or observation [5]. The population in this research was the students of Class XI of SMA N 13 Padang. The population number is 300 and they were distributed in 8 classes, and the sample consisted of 69 students who were chosen by using stratified cluster sampling technique. To collect the data for this research, the researcher used a questionnaire to find out the students’ perceptions of using YouTube as a digital medium. The type of questionnaire used by the researcher was a close questionnaire. There are 20 statements in the questionnaire and they were classified into 9 positive statements and 11 negative statements. The students completed the questionnaire in 15 minutes. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Data on students’ perceptions of using YouTube as English online learning media was collected by questionnaire. Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that the mean was 68.83 and the Standard Deviation (SD) was 10.42. The researcher used the criteria formula to categorize students’ perception [6]. It was categorized as positive perceptions if students’ scores were higher than 79.25, it was categorized as moderate perception if students’ scores were in the range of 58.41 – 79.25, and the last it was categorized as negative perception if students’ scores were lower than 58.41. The first finding of the research is that 46 students (66.7%) were categorized as having moderate perception, 12 students (17.4%) were categorized as having negative perception and 11 students (15.9%) were categorized as having positive perception. Hence, the researcher concluded that the students’ perception of using YouTube as English online learning media was moderate. ( See Table 1). Table 1. The Percentage of Students’ Perception Classification of Students Perception Range of Score Number of Students Percentage Positive Perception X >79.25 11 15.9% Moderate Perception 58.41 44.72 12 17.4% Moderate Perception 33.28 < X ≤ 44.72 46 66.7% Negative Perception X < 33.28 11 15.9% TOTAL 69 100% Lastly, the students’ perception of the English learning material using YouTube was that 11 students (15.9%) were categorized as having positive perception, 47 students (68.1%) were categorized as having moderate perception and 11 students (15.9%) were categorized as having negative perception. Hence, the students’ perception of the English learning material using YouTube was moderate. (See Table 3). Table 3. The Percentage of Students’ Perception of the English Learning Material Aspect Classification of Students’ Perception Range of Scores Number of Students Percentage Learning Material Positive Perception X > 35.13 11 15.9% Moderate Perception 24.53 < X ≤ 35.13 47 68.1% Negative Perception X < 24.53 11 15.9% TOTAL 69 100% Based on data from the questionnaire, the researcher found that more than half of students had moderate perceptions of using YouTube as English online learning media. Then, as for the learning process, more than half of students had moderate perceptions of the English learning process using YouTube media. Lastly, as for the students’ perception of the English learning material using YouTube was also moderate. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Generally, the students’ perception of using YouTube as online learning media in SMAN 13 Padang was moderate. It can be seen from the result of the finding that 46 students (66.7%) had moderate perception of using YouTube as online learning media. Specifically, the students’ perception towards learning process using YouTube was moderate because 66.7% students had moderate perception. Moreover, the students’ perception towards learning material using YouTube was also moderate because 68.1% students had moderate perception. Related to the research findings, the teacher should utilize YouTube as media for online learning in order to help students’ millennial in developing their English skills by using YouTube as the latest technology in learning English. The next researcher has to look more and investigate into YouTube effects on particular English skills and how to overcome difficulties that can come up when utilizing YouTube to teach listening in casual settings. Students can use YouTube as a medium to help them learn English online as a medium and students who use YouTube should be more thoughtful about using YouTube for studying.Referensi
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