
  • Rivaldo Aprinaldy Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Welya Roza Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Reading, Reading Comprehension, Descriptive Text, Generic Structure, Language Feature


INTRODUTION Language skills are communication skills that help you convey your ideas with clarity and precision. Language skills include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Not only do you learn to speak well but also listen attentively. Reading is also so important skill to be mastered. Writing clearly with brevity is another skill that’s considered crucial in a professional setting. Reading is, thus, one of the important skills that is needed by the students from elementary school through university levels. By reading the students are able to get a lot of information based on what they have already read. Reading is stated as an active process, the readers form a preliminary expectation about materials, then select the fewest, most productive clues necessary to confirm or reject that expectation [1]. Reading comprehension means making sense of what readers read and connecting the ideas in the text to what they already know [2]. In addition, reading comprehension as the essence of reading because if we do not understand the message, we are not reading [3]. The purpose of this research is To describe the tenth grade students’ ability in reading descriptive text at SMA Dian Andalas Padang. Some Previous Related Studies are explained as follows. The first study conducted by Sukarta Kartawijaya (2017) entitled “Analysis Of The Students‟ Reading Comprehension In Comprehending Descriptive Text”. Based on the result of the analysis, the writer concluded that in general, the students’ ability SMP Negeri 1Kota Sungai Penuh academic year 2016/2017 in comprehending descriptive text was low, because most of the students failed in comprehending descriptive text. Only one student got A (excellent), 1 student got B+ (very good), three students got B (good), 1 student got C+ (enough), six students got C (average), two students got D (poor), and there were most of them or seven students got E (fail) [4]. The second study was conducted by Dasrul Hidayati (2018) entitled “Students Difficulties In Reading Comprehension At The First Grade Of Sman 1 Darussalam Aceh Besar”. After analyzing the data gained from the test, the writer concluded that the first grade students of SMAN 1 Darussalam have difficulties in answering reading comprehension test. From five types of reading comprehension question, three types of them are categorized as difficult question types for the students [5]. METHOD The form of this research was a descriptive research. In this research, the researcher used quantitative method. Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques [6]. The population of this research was Tenth Grade of SMA Dian Andalas academic year 2022/2023 which consisted of 2 classes with the number of 21 students as the populations. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. To make the test reliable, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment formula. If the correlation is high, it means that the test is reliable. If the test has low correlation, it is not reliable, which the test can’t be used as instrument. The reliability index of the test of Class X IPA is 0,86, and the reliability index of the test of class X IPS is 0,92 To collect the data, the researcher used objective test. Objective test is a test that has right or wrong answers and so can be marked objectively. In analyzing the data, The researcher applied descriptive to see the mean score of the students reading comprehension. the procedure of the data analysis is the researcher calculated the result of the students‟ test by using the scale that used by Arikunto (1989) [7]. The correct answer was 5 and the incorrect answer 0. The result of students‟ reading comprehension was taken from the numbers of the right answer divided to the total number of the test times 100. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Based on the result of the analysis, the writer concluded that in general, the students‟ Tenth Grade of SMA Dian Andalas Padang in comprehending descriptive text was high, because all of the students passed in comprehending descriptive text. It can seen from the result of the test, from 21 students were answer the question correctly. There were 12 student got very good, and 9 students got good. The students got high score was 100 and the total of low was 75. It was proved that the student were able understand the descriptive text. The students of Class X were able to understand two Generic Structures of Descriptive Text. For students, most of them can understand the paragraph of descriptive text based on its generic structure, it showed 50 or 100 % students understand it by made points for every generic structure of descriptive text. And the students of Class X were also able to understand Language Features of Descriptive Text. The students were able to understand on descriptive text’s language feature. For students, most of them can understand the paragraph of descriptive text based on its language features, it showed 50 or 100 % students understand it by made points for every language features of descriptive text. Table 1 The correct answer and score reading comprehension students‟ X IPA No Number of Students Correct Answer Score Grade 1 4 19 95 Very Good 2 3 18 90 Very Good 3 3 17 85 Good 4 1 16 80 Good 5 1 15 75 Good Based on the above table, it shows that some of the students class X IPA of tenth grade of SMA Dian Andalas Padang could answer all of questions correctly. In this class, the students have high level in comprehension reading descriptive text , it can seen from the result of the test most of students got score in category very good and 5 students got score in category very good. Table 2 The correct answer and score reading comprehension students‟ X IPS No Number of Students Correct Answer Score Grade 1 2 20 100 Very Good 2 3 19 95 Very Good 3 3 18 90 Very Good 4 1 17 85 Good Based on the above table, it shows that some of the students class X IPS of tenth grade of SMA Dian Andalas Padang could answer all of questions correctly. Only 2 of 9 students who could answer all questions of reading comprehensions correctly. In this class the students have high level in comprehension reading descriptive text , it can seen from the result of the test most of students got score in category very good, and 1 student got score in category good. Table 3 The result of the test No Range Number of students Grades 1 86-100 15 Very good 2 71-85 6 Good 3 56-70 0 Average 4 41-55 0 Poor 5 0-40 0 Very poor Based on the table above, it was know that 21 students of the tenth grade students of SMA Dian Andalas Padang got score in category very good and good in comprehending descriptive text. There are 15 students got very good, and there were 6 students got good. It was proved that students did understand well about the descriptive text. Related with the data analysis above, it showed the students‟ ability in comprehending descriptive text was high. Based on these findings, it can be seen that the students got the information from the text. In this case, the students used their background knowledge when understanding the text, and the students knew the rules of each text. As a result they understand the text. In addition, thinking critically is the ability to reason in organized way. This is an important mental activities in comprehending a reading text because reading comprehension is an active process between the reader and the text and in the process the reader need to to bring what he/she knows about the topic and related it to the information on the text. In previous chapter that has been mentioned there are five aspects in reading comprehension. They are: Determining main idea, making reference, understanding vocabulary, making inference, and detail information. Furthermore, for main idea questions are considered as easy question for the students because the located of main idea it is easy for them to find. Understanding vocabulary question is considered as easy question for the student‟. The students need to look and use context clue in the passage since the answer of making inference question is not directly stated within the passage in order the students could answer the inference question correctly. For detail question is categorized easy question for the students it can seen much of students answered question detail information correctly. The result of the test to 21 of the tenth grade students of SMA Dian Andalas Padang showed that the students have understanding in answering the reading comprehension test. In general, from the result of the students‟ test score. there are fifteen students have grade very good (86-100). Meanwhile, there are six students have grade good (71-85). CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the result of the analysis, the writer concluded that in general, the students‟ Tenth Grade of SMA Dian Andalas Padang in comprehending descriptive text was high, because all of the students passed in comprehending descriptive text. It can seen from the result of the test, from 21 students were answer the question correctly. There were 15 student got very good, and 6 students got good. The students got high score was 100 and the total of low was 80. It was proved that the student were understand the descriptive text. In Descriptive Text, There are two generic Structures, and four language features. It showed 75 or 100 % students understand descriptive text. The students of Class X were able to understand two Generic Structures of Descriptive Text. For students, most of them can understand the paragraph of descriptive text based on its generic structure, it showed 50 or 100 % students understand it by made points for every generic structure of descriptive text. And the students of Class X were able to understand Language Features of Descriptive Text. For students, most of them can understand the paragraph of descriptive text based on its language features, it showed 50 or 100 % students understand it by made points for every language features of descriptive text. The researcher suggests to the the students that they have to learn and strengthen their comprehension in reading descriptive text. In addition, to increase their comprehension in reading descriptive text, the students are suggested to pay attention to the factors that influence their reading comprehension and learn to master these factors.


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