ABSTRAK The purpose of this research was to find out the second year students’ ability in writing recount text at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The design of this research was descriptive research. The population of this research was the second year student’ at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.The reliability coefficient of the test is 0,98.Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the second year students’ ability in writing a recount text at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was good. Keywords : writing ability, recount text. INTRODUCTION English is an important foreign language that English is a global language that broadly used in lots of nations. There are a half of nations in the world taking English as an obligatory subject within the curriculum. In Indonesia, English is an essential subject, so that student need to look at English. The goal of the studying English is to expand their communicative competence on this globalization era. Students should understand the Four Essential Skills in English, such as speaking, reading, listening and writing. Writing skills are also needed in communication. writing skills must be taught and learned by students from now on to face competition with others in this global era. Writing is a skill used to explore ideas and other communication activities. Writing is categorized as a productive skill. Writing is one of the reasons to master English because when we learn a foreign language, we learn to communicate with other people, with their language. In English writing, there are some texts that must be learnt. They are descriptive text, narrative text, recount text, procedure text, and analytical exposition text. One of the texts that is taught in second year student in Bung Hatta University is recount text. Recount text is a kind of variety that has social function to retell event for the purpose of informing or entertaining[1]. Social purpose of recount is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequence. Even though the students of English department at Bung Hatta University has learnt about recount text, they still have some problems in writing the recount text. The researcher has asked six students in second years students of English Department at Bung Hatta University about their experiences in writing recount text. They said that they have difficult in writing recount text. The common problem from the students is that they have difficulty in finding the ideas of recount text. This is shown from the results of a pre-survey in a question-and-answer manner using WhatsApp media in around mid-January 2022, revealing that most students are difficult to express their ideas using English. In this study, the researcher reviewed several related research reports on recount text analysis. The first is the research conducted by Suci (2016) based on the research results, it is known that the average student score based on the writing component is 57.18. The students’ mistakes in the generic structure of recount text is (50%) for the early stage, (40.9%) for the development stage, and (9.09%) for the consolidation stage. Meanwhile, the mistakes that many students make are orientation and events. In orientation, some students did not provide information about the place (where), time (when) and reason (why) clearly. In the event, some students wrote their experiences in a non-chronological order[2]. The second is the research conducted by Erma (2017) it is found that some students used correct generic structure and some of them did not use it in writing their recount text in writing orientation[3]. The research is to provide more specific topics that can analyze students' ability to learn to write. In addition, by providing more specific topics, the students are no longer burdened with the topic stimulates the students in writing recount texts. Furthermore, that way students could be more active in expressing their experiences in writing. Based on the explanation above, the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled “An Analysist of the second year students ability in writing recount Text at the English Department of Bung Hatta University’’ METHOD This research belongs to descriptive research. The researcher described the second year students’ ability in writing recount text . The population of this research is the second year student in English Department of Bung Hatta University. The total population was 30 students. The researcher used the total sampling technique to select the sample and the total sample was 30 students. The researcher used the writing test as an instrument for this research. The researcher asked the students to write recount text based on their experience in holiday. The researcher found that the reliability index of the test was 0.96. Then, the test was valid. The researcher used content validity. The researcher followed several steps in collecting the data. First, the researcher administrated the test for 60 minutes. Second, the researcher collected the students’ answers. Then, the researcher copied the students’ answers. One copy gave to the researcher while the other copy gave to the second scorer. Third, the researcher and the second scorer checked the students’ answers based on the scoring criteria. While in analyzing the data, the researcher follows several steps. First, the researcher prepared the data for analysis. Second, the researcher summed up the score of each student and counted the average score from two scorer. Third, the researcher classified the student’s ability based on the criteria of Bung Hatta University. Four, the researcher calculated the percentage of the students who get very good, good, moderate and bad ability. Five, the researcher reported the result. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The researcher found the lowest score of the students was 50 and the highest score was 92. More than 50 % of students had good ability in recount text. It was proved by the fact that 8 (26,7 %) students had very good ability, 16 (53,3 %) students had good ability, 6 (20%) students had moderate ability and 0 (0%) student had bad ability. To be clear, here is the table 1 Table 1 The Percentage of The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing a Recount Text Categories Members Percentage Very good 8 26,7% Good 16 53,3% Moderate 6 20% Bad 0 0% Referring to the finding above, the researcher found that many students had good ability in writing recount text. The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From Content . After the researcher analyzed the students score, the researcher found that the students’ ability in writing Recount text seen from content was very good . It was supported by the fact that 15 students (50 %) had very good score, 15 students (50%) had good score, 0 students (0 %) had moderate score and 0 students (0 %) had bad score in writing seen from content of a recount text. To make it clear see the table 2 below; Table 2 The Percentage of the Students’ Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From Content Categories Members Percentage Very good 15 50 % Good 15 50 % Moderate 0 0 % Bad 0 0 % The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From Organization . After the researcher analyzed the second year students score, the researcher found that the students’ ability in writing Recount text seen from organization was moderate ability. It was supported by the fact that 11 students (36.7 %) were found had very good score, 14 students (46,7%) had good score, 5 students (16,6 %) had moderate score and 0 student (0 %) had bad score in writing seen from organization of recount text. To make it clear see the table 3 below. Table 3 Percentage of the Students Ability in Writing recount Text seen from organization Categories Members Percentage Very good 11 36,7% Good 14 46,7% Moderate 5 16,6% Bad 0 0% The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From vocabulary . After the researcher analyzed the second year students score, the researcher found that the students’ ability in writing recount Text seen from vocabulary. It was supported by the fact that 12 students (40 %) were found had very good score, 16 students (53,3%) had good score, 2 students (6,7 %) had moderate score and 0 student (0%) had bad score in writing seen from vocabulary of recount text Based on Personal Experience . To make it clear see the table 4 below. Table 4 Percentage of the Students Ability in Writing recount Text seen from vocabulary Categories Members Percentage Very good 12 40% Good 16 53,3% Moderate 2 6,7% Bad 0 0% The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From Grammar . After the researcher analyzed the second year students score, the researcher found that the students’ ability in writing Recount text seen from grammar was good ability. It was supported by the fact that 6 students (20 %) were found had very good score, 20 students (66,7 %) had good score, 1 student (3,3 %) had moderate score and 3 students (10%) had bad score in writing seen from grammar of recount text. To make it clear see the table 5 below Table 5 Percentage of the Students Ability in Writing recount Text seen from grammar Categories Members Percentage Very good 6 20 % Good 20 66,7% Moderate 1 3,3% Bad 3 10% The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text at English Department of Bung Hatta University Seen From mechanic . After the researcher analyzed the second year students score, the researcher found that the students’ ability in writing Recount text seen from organization was moderate abilityIt was supported by the fact that 5 students (16,7 %) were found had very good score,11 students (36,6 %) had good score, 9 students (30 %) had moderate score and 5 students (16,67 %) had bad score in writing seen from mechanic of recount text. To make it clear see the table 6 below Table 6 Percentage of the Students Ability in Writing recount Text seen from mechanic Categories Members Percentage Very good 5 16,7% Good 11 36,6 % Moderate 9 30% Bad 5 16,67% CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the finding, the second year students’ ability in writing recount text at English Department of Bung Hatta University is good ability. It is proved by the data that 53,3 % of students have good ability in writing recount text at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Related to the study, the researcher would like to give several suggestions. The teachers are suggested manipulate their teaching strategies in order that students’ ability in writing recount text is improve to be better.the students with low category are expected to learn more about a recount text and do some exercises to improve their ability. For the future researchers, the researcher suggested to to investigate students’ ability in writing other text.Referensi
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