Teaching Listening by Using Text-to-speech Media Technology for Students at Senior High School


  • Bahril Ilmi
  • Fatimah Tanjung
  • Lisa Tavriyanti


In rapid of a wide use of technology in education, a computer is an important one used by English teacher. It should be an assistant of the teachers in teaching English, especially in teaching listening skill. The teachers can explore and manage their way in teaching listening by using computer, especially to make a media in teaching listening skill for students. This paper aims at discussing about teaching listening by using text-to-speech media technology for students at Senior high school. The teachers should try to use attractive and innovative media to attract the students’ interest in teaching listening skill effectively. One of the media that can be used by the teacher in teaching learning process, especially in listening process is Text-to-speech media technology. Text-to-speech is an easy and user-friendly program of PC (Personal Computer) or laptop that downloads and installs in minutes. The main function of Text-to-speech is to convert a text to be an audio file. Its can help the teachers to introduce and present their material electronically.

Key Words : Teaching listening, Media technology, Computer, Text-to-speech


