
  • Aurory Resti Yohanda
  • Yetty Morlent

Kata Kunci:

Parents' perceptions, implications of student interests, Indonesian language and literature education majors


This research aims to describe parents' perceptions and find out the implications of parents' perceptions in Nagari Padang Laweh on students' interest in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department. The theory used as a reference in this research is perception according to Walgito (in Jayanti, F, 2018), Implications according to Silalahi (in Hidayatulloh, 2018). The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data sources for this research are parents and high school students in Nagari Padang Laweh. The object of this research is parents' perceptions and their implications for students' interest in the Indonesian Language and Literature Department. The population of this study were parents and high school students in Nagari Padang Laweh, totaling 25 people each. The research distributed questionnaires to parents and students with 24 statement items for parents, 22 statement items for students. Based on data analysis and discussion, three main aspects are explored in describing parents' views of this major and its implications for student interests. The first aspect, "Indonesian language and literature education is not important to learn", shows that 45% of the majority of parents tend to be less supportive regarding the importance of learning Indonesian language and literature given at universities for their children. The second aspect, "Indonesian Language and Literature Education does not have large employment opportunities", indicates that the majority of parents, around 36%, stated "Agree" regarding the statement that Indonesian Language and Literature Education does not have large employment opportunities. The third aspect, "Indonesian Language and Literature Education only works as a teacher", the majority of parents, around 47%, showed a "Less Agree" view regarding the statement that Indonesian Language and Literature Education only opens up job opportunities as a teacher. However, when detailed into indicators, parents tend to provide answers indicating that they have a skeptical view or doubts regarding career opportunities in this field. These parents' perceptions have a significant influence on students' interest in choosing the Indonesian Language and Literature Department. Therefore, when parents have a skeptical view of the Indonesian Language and Literature department. This can be a major barrier to students' interest in choosing this educational path, because some students tend to follow advice or direction from their parents in making decisions for the future. Parents who have a positive view of this major tend to have higher student interest. Conversely, negative perceptions will reduce student interest.


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