
  • Fania Putri Alia Sinta
  • Ineng Naini

Kata Kunci:

Forms of code mixing, types of code mixing, Novel Azzamine


This research aims to describe the forms of code mixing and types of code mixing in the novel Azzamine by Sophie Aulia. The theory used as a research reference is code mixing proposed by Kridalaksana (2008) and types of code mixing by Suwito (2002). This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The focus of the research is the form of code mixing and types of code mixing found in the novel Azzamine by Sophie Aulia. The data collection technique was carried out by reading and understanding the novel Azzamine, then marking, recording and grouping the data found in the novel. Data analysis techniques are (1) determining code mixed data, (2) grouping and interpreting code mixed data found and collected, (3) interpreting forms of code mixing and types of code mixing, (4) concluding the results of data analysis and interpretation. Based on data analysis, it was found: (1) forms of code mixing based on linguistic elements, there were 84 data in the form of words, 20 data in the form of phrases and 6 forms of code mixing in sentences/clauses. (2) type of code mixing consisting of inward code mixing of 20 data and outward code mixing of 90 data. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the languages used by the characters were Indonesian, English, Arabic, Sundanese, Betawi and Javanese dialects. The dominant data that emerged was English data in the form of words and the type of outbound code mixing. The cause of code mixing is because the main character's background was educated in Egypt and the ethnic background of the speaker who is Sundanese and in informal situations the character speaks to respect the person he is speaking to which will create a more comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.


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