Teaching Vocabulary through VCD for Junior High School Students


  • Ade FitriNasution
  • Lailatul Husna
  • Ernati Ernati




The purpose of this paper is to describe teaching vocabulary through VCD.Vocabulary is necessary in learning language. Using VCD in teaching vocabulary can help the whole process more engaging for teacher and students. This media should gain the students interest in learning new vocabulary. VCD in teaching vocabulary are ideal for home study. The use of audio visual media technique affected the process of teaching and learning. The writer will discuss some advantages of the use VCD in teaching vocabulary. The teachers believed VCD helping students to understand the lesson better, and making the lesson more exciting to the students . The teacher is required to be able to establish which make the teaching learning processes go optimally .the teachers and students do some activities to activate background knowledge. In this stage, the teacher plays the Blues Clues Cartoon Movie.They can do the activities in group of four. The teacher gives exercise to the students, teacher provides some exercise in the form of fill in the blank. Blues Cartoon movie video helps the students in learning vocabulary.



Key word: Teaching Vocabulary, Through VCD, media strategy.


