An Analysis on the Third Year Students’ Ability of English Department of Bung Hatta University in Translating Analytical Exposition Text From English Into Indonesian


  • Andre Suriadi
  • Welya Roza
  • Khairul Harha


Based on the researcher’s observation at the third year students of English Department the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Bung Hatta University, the students have problems in translation subject. This research was aimed to describe students’ ability in translating analytical exposition text from English into Indonesian. The design of this research was descriptive research. The number of population was 122 students. The researcher used cluster random sampling technique because the populations is distributed into group. the researcher took 23 students as the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used translation test. In real test, the researcher gave the dangerous of using drugs and asked the students to translate it. To analyze the data based on the result of translation test, the researcher presented the raw score, calculated the students’ score, mean, standard deviation, clasified the students who got high, moderate, or low ability, and counted the percentage of students’ ability in translating analytical exposition text. The result of this research showed that the students’ ability in translation in general were moderate(69.6%). In detail the percentage of each aspects in translating analytical exposition text were students had moderate ability in adjusting grammatical adjustment(56.5%), lexical equivalence(69.6%), and meaning adjustment(56.5%). The researcher gives suggestions to the lecturer and the students. For the lecturer, the researcher suggest to consider the method, strategy, and teaching material of translation subject. For the students, they should do more exercises on translation by paying attention to grammatical, lexical equivalence and meaning in the target language.

Key words: Ability, Translation, Aspect of Translation.


