Teaching Vocabulary Through Real Object To Young Learners


  • . Annisa
  • Khairul Harha
  • Fitrina Harmaini


The purpose of writing this paper is to discuss about Teaching vocabulary through real object to young learners. As we know that English is not easy thing while we need that skill for communication better and fluently such as collect the word by word and memorize the vocabularies. When the students especially young learners face several obstructions like how to memorize and develop vocabularies in learning and mastery English, absolutely the teacher teach to the young learners about building vocabulary through real object in learning process. It is one of the best alternative solutions in teaching vocabulary for young learners. The real object is an effective method to teach vocabulary for young learners because it can make the learners see and imagine something with real condition and as well as fact they are.  The procedure or steps how to teach vocabulary through real object for young learners are 1) Teacher shows his/her packet to the learners, ask the learners to guess what objects is in the packet, and wait in a minutes. 2) After the learners guess it, the teacher shows the real object and mentions it one by one. From the explanation above, we can conclude that the learners are helped by teaching vocabulary through real object in teaching learning process attractively.

Key Words : Vocabulary, Real Object, Young Learners.


