An Easy Technique to Write Summary for Teaching Writing at Junior High


  • Nana Lecia
  • Adzanil Prima Septy
  • Khairul Harha




            The purpose of writing this paper is to discuss about an easy technique to write summary for teaching writing at junior high school. As we know that English is not easy thing while we need that skill for communication better and fluently such as express an idea, feeling and opinion in writing form. When the students are confused and hard to write down summary of text in the class, absolutely the teacher teach to the students about an easy technique to write summary in learning process. It is one of the solutions in teaching writing at Junior high school. The procedure or steps of implementing an easy technique to write summary are 1) Teacher gives a short text and asks students read silently in small group, 2) Teacher explains an organizer for summarizing a text and asks the student make a summary in their own words. From the explanation above, we can conclude that an easy technique to write summary can help the students in teaching learning process effectively.


Key Words : Writing, Summary Technique, Organize idea.


