Application of Active Learning Model and Type The Firing Line Against Granting Task Summarizing Biology Student Learning Outcomes Seventh Grade Junior High School 1 Koto XI Tarusan


  • Mia Diani
  • Erman Har
  • . Gusmaweti


This study aimed to see differences in learning outcomes of active learning model type the firing line and the conventional method and the provision of learning tasks summarize the biology. This study is an experimental research with the entire population of students of class VII Junior High School 1 Koto XI Tarusan registered in the first semester of the school year 2013/2014. Sampling study conducted by purposive sampling technique. Samples were taken from five classes that the average value of daily test 1 biology students in the first semester approaching the same, it is also the same teachers, later in the selection of experimental and control classes do draw. Draw the class obtained VII-3 as the experimental class and the control class as a class VII-5. Learning outcomes are observed cognitive seen from the results of the final test study, whereas affective and psychomotor domains using observation sheets. Results showed that the experimental results of learning in a higher class than the control class, where the average cognitive learning outcomes in the experimental class was 82.44 while the control class is 64.11, average learning outcomes in the affective domain of experimental class is 76 while the control class is 73.5, as well as the average psychomotor domains of learning outcomes in the experimental class was 76.5, while the control class is 75.5. The data in this study the final test results further processed with t test. The results obtained by analysis of thitung is 8.3866 and ttabel is 1,67 then thitung>ttabel. (α 0,05), Thus hypotheses are acceptable. Therefore the firing line learning methods can be applied in biology teaching in junior high schools are taking into account the time available.


Keyword: learning methods, The Firing Line, learning outcomes.



