PenerapanStrategi PembelajaranAktifTipeTeka-Teki Silang PadaPembelajaranMatematikaSiswaKelas VII SMPNegeri 3 Linggo Sari Baganti Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan


  • Riki Alanda
  • . khairudin
  • yusri wahyuni


This research of background overshadow with conducted study process generally centrally at teacher, lack of student motivation in learning mathematics, unaccustomed student tell opinion in study of mathematics, hard student recollect items which have been taught, result learn student still lower. To overcome this problem, one of the effort able to be conducted by to apply active study strategy of cross puzzle type. Through this strategy, student can cooperate, improving to feel student responsibility to what have been studied by pleasant. Target of this research is to know do result learn student mathematics using active study strategy of better Cross Puzzle type from conventional study at class of VII SMP Negeri 3 Linggo Sari Baganti. Type of this research is research of experiment. Population in this research all class student of VII SMP Negeri 3 Linggo Sari Baganti school year 2013/2014 which consist of five class. For the intake of sampel done with technique of Random Sampling and is chosen of class of VII4 as experiment class and class of VII3 as control class. Data result of final tes of student got both class of sampel have homogeneous and normal distribution. Hence to test hypothesis used by formula t. Thereby, raised to be hypothesis to be accepted by that is result learn taught student mathematics by applying active strategy better cross puzzle type of result learn student mathematics applying conventional study at class student of VII SMP Negeri 3 Linggo Sari Baganti.


Keywords – Active Study and Cross Puzzle.


