
  • Silvia Nurni
  • Eddy Soesilo
  • Ashabul khairi


National Exam ( UN ) nowadays is not uncommon anymore . All schools certainly hold the National Exam . From year to year the National Examination definitely changed , thus making students anxious in living . The material presented into the UN of course must be in accordance with the curriculum of subjects tested . To be able to meet all the needs of the students in terms of understanding of teaching materials , examples of its application for students in grade 3 will face the UN would need hard work in understanding all of the material that will be on the right exam . One of the steps taken is to discuss the problems of existing UN from the previous year . This is due to the learning system is not effective , the time allowed is insufficient , discussion about the many and ineffective learners learn by them selves at home because there is no help from the teacher . In order to assist learners in understanding the teaching materials made learning software that can speed up the process of understanding the students to discuss their own problems at home . In making this learning software author uses Visual Basic 6.0 . So by using this learning software , a user / users can understand and study questions individually at home quickly and effectively .

Keywords : National Examination , computer-assisted learning


