Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Kelas VIII SMPN 6 X Koto Singkarak


  • Maria Ulfa
  • Lutfian Almash
  • puspa amelia


The lack of response and interaction between student in the learning process of mathematical at grade VIII students of SMPN 6 X Koto Singkarak is one factor of the background of this research. In fact these students just accept it and noted the material presented the teacher with no response if students feel less familiar to the materials. Therefore, the research done by implementing kooperatif learning Two Stay Two Stray, and exercises LKS. The purpose of this research to determine how the development of activities and the results of learning math student’s at grade VIII SMPN 6 X Koto Singkarak by using Strategy TSTS with exercises LKS, and determine whether development of activities and the results of learning math student’s at grade VIII SMPN 6 X Koto Singkarak by using strategy TSTS with  results LKS of student’s learning to apply regular learning. This type of research is experimental. Population is all of students at grade VIII SMPN 6 X Koto Singkarak. Samples are VIII two as experiment class and VIII three as control class.  Based on the results of data analysis and quantification with value 2 with the result that 2=4,137 dan p = 0,022. Therefore   , so the conclusion that proportion of students who achieve complete results of learning mathematics with using strategy two stay two stray higher proportion of students who achieve complete results of learning mathematics with apply regular learning.


Keywords – two stay two stray and exercises LKS.


