
  • Devi Mai Candra
  • Syofiani .
  • Gusnetti .


The purpose of this study was to describe the illocutionary acts and illocutionary speech act form is used by fishermen in District Sutera South Coastal District which includes , assertive illocutionary speech acts , illocutionary speech acts directive , expressive illocutionary speech acts , illocutionary speech acts and speech act illocutionary commissive declaration . The theory used in this study is the theory of language variation by Abdul Chaer , theory and the theory of pragmatics by Wijana Ruqaiyah registers by Halliday Hasan . This type of fieldwork is descriptive qualitative research method . The object of research is emerging registers among fishermen in District Sutera South Coastal District . Pegumpulan data is done in the form of recording and recording . You do this by recording the utterances occurred fellow fishermen in two weeks . After that , the collected data is transcribed into writing by using a data table . Data analysis was performed with the following steps : ( 1 ) collecting data , ( 2 ) classifying the data , ( 3 ) analyzing the data , and ( 4 ) concluding piece of data registers fishermen . The result showed that there are utterances used by many fishermen use terms . The results observed by the data acquisition form illocutionary acts . Illocutionary shape found is a form of assertive illocutionary speech acts , such as " pukeknyo bagoleh taruih , payah lo awak kanai nyo " . Form of directive illocutionary speech act , such as " pasang mambungo sabanta ka lai ma " . Forms of expressive illocutionary speech act , such as " child Surang ko nan yo act diligently " . Illocutionary speech act commissive shape , such as " lai paham ang jo lauak ko " . Illocutionary speech act and declaration forms , like " jan mancacak juo " . Speech that occurs among fishermen because the atmosphere and the situation of the work they do . Thus , the necessary understanding of the meaning and narrative situations , when and where the speech occurred .

Keywords : Registers , Fishermen Language , Sociolinguistics


