Nilai-Nilai Religiusitas Islam dalam Novel Tadarus Cinta Buya Pujangga Karya Akmal Nasery Basral


  • Fittri Andola
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Elvina A. Saibi



The purpose of the research was to deceribe aqidah, syariah and akhlak of islam in the novel of Tadarus Cinta Buya Pujangga by Akmal Basery Basral. The teory that used according to Fajri which show about the religious of islam. This research is a quality research by using descriptive metods. The data can  Be gather by: (1) reading and anderstuding the novel, (2) marking and make a short note about the novel contain religious valu of aqidah, syariah and akhlak, (3) to group the data into tabel of data. The analysis  technies are: (1) clasifying the data, (2) analising the data according to carakter, plot dan background, (3) analising the data and its relation with religious value contain aqidah value, syariah and akhlak, (4) interpret relation of figures, plot dan background, with religious of figures, (5) to make research conclusion according to religious side of research. The result of data analysis are figures in the novel Tadarus Cinta Buya Pujangga by Basral contain religious with 22 points of aqidah 54 points of syariah, and 12 points of akhlak. Which shown by the figures are the iman to the god (Allah), iman to rasul Allah, iman to angel, iman to Alquran, iman to the end, and iman to qadha and qadar. The syariah value shown by the figures like shalat, discharge haji, reading Alquran, dzikir, society, and learning islam. Akhlak value which shown by figures is the value of politeness, careness, and responsibility, and nice attitude

Keywords:       Volue religious, aqidah, syariah, akhlak, figures novel       



