Kemampuan Menggunakan Kalimat Efektif dalam Menulis Teks Pidato Siswa Kelas IX SMP N 2 Bukit Sundi Kabupaten Solok.


  • . Zaterti
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • . Syofiani



This study aimed to describe the ability to use effective sentence in the text content of the speech class IX students of SMP N 2 Solok Bukit Sundi viewed from the aspect of unity , coherence , parallels , accuracy , effectiveness , and the logic . The theory used in this study are a theory about the nature of writing and writing goals expressed by Tarin (2005 ) , effective sentences and understanding the characteristics of effective sentence proposed by Finoza (2009 ) , the data text to speech and speech to text part is expressed by Arifin and Tasai ( 2010) . This research is a qualitative descriptive method . The data of this study are sentences in the text of a speech written by the students . The data of this study are 17 text speech students . The object of research is the class IX students of SMP N 2 Solok Bukit Sundi totally 17 people . Data collection techniques in this study are writing test . The results of the data analysis showed that the ability to use effective sentence in the text content of the speech class IX students of SMP N 2 Solok Bukit Sundi viewed from the aspect of unity , coherence , parallels , accuracy , effectiveness , and the logic is as follows . Of the 17 students who received a perfect score 2 people with an average value of 97.25 , which gets excellent grades 14 students with an average value of 94.48 , and scored just 1 students with an average value of 6:33 . In general, the average ability of students in the effective use of the phrase in the text content of the speech is 92.9 with excellent qualifications . Based on data analysis , it can be concluded that the ability in using effective sentence in the text of speech class IX students of SMP N 2 Solok Bukit Sundi viewed from the aspect of unity, coherence, parallels, accuracy, effectiveness, and the logic are fair at all.


Key words : Effective Sentence, Text To Speech, Writing ability


