Relationship with the learning outcomes Students Study Habits Biology Education Guidance and Counseling Program Bung Hatta University in Padang
The purpose of this study was to determine the study habits of students of biology education courses FKIP Bung Hatta University , Padang. This research is descriptive biology education student population Force 2009, 2010, 2011 , 2012 and 2013 were enrolled in the second semester of 2013/2014 . The sampling technique is the Proportional Stratified Random Sampling ( random sampling based on the portion of the strata ) , samples were taken as much as 25 % of the total population per generation , the total sample of 43 people . Data collected by distributing questionnaires study habits of students comprising 39 item.dari the correlation coefficient there is a relationship between preparatory study habits with habits make summary notes , read books , repeat custom lesson (review ) . There is a relationship between the habit of making notes with a summary of the study preparation habits , reading habits , the habit of repeating a lesson (review ) . There is a relationship only between the habit of reading books to learn the preparation habits , the habit of making notes summary , the habit of repeating a lesson (review ) . There is a relationship between repeat studies (review ) by studying preparation habits , habits make summary notes , reading habits , customs exams ) . There is a relationship between habitual habit of repeating the exam by learning (review ) , There is a relationship between habitual exams with student learning outcomes . Students are advised to study Biology Bung Hatta University in Padang to better improve study habits in preparation for learning , make notes summary , the habit of reading books , repeating the lesson (review ) and custom test meghadapi be better so that it can further improve the learning achievement of the future , for further research to further develop this research further about the relationship with the study habits of Education Sciences Student learning achievement Bung Hatta University , Padang.
Keywords : Habit learning preparation , Making summary notes , reading habits , the habit of repeating a lesson (review ) , custom test