Penerapan Strategi Genius Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 11 Padang


  • . Elfawati
  • . Gusmaweti
  • . Azrita




The porpuse of this research was to determine differences in students’ learning result biology of cognitive, affective and psychomotor that used Genius Learning Strategy and conventional learning method in the tenth grade SMA Negeri 11 Padang. Kind of this research was experimental research with the entire population was a tenth grade student in the academic year 2013/2014. Determination of sample classes conducted by porpusive sampling method. Where as to determine of experimental class and control class was done by random. Class X6became experimental research and X5became control class. Instrument in this study were achievement test for cognitive aspect and the observation sheet for affective and psychomotor aspects. The results showed an average valve of learning outcomes experimental class was 93,44 while the average of learning outcomes control class was 80,76. Statistical test on the real level (α)  0,05 showed that thit > ttab(7,08 > 1,67), so the hypothesis H1was accepted. Assessment of learning outcomes in affective aspect of experimental class (78) higher than control class (71), while the average value for psychomotor aspect of experimental class was (79,5) higher than the average value of control class (72). From the result of this research can be concluded that there are differences in bilogy learning outcomes for student by implementation of Genius Learning Strategy in the tenth grade SMA Negeri 11 Padang.

Keyword: Genius Learning Strategy, conventional, cognitive, affective, psychomotor



