Teaching Writing a Spoof Text through Picture Series for Junior High School.
This paper aims at describing teaching writing a spoof text through picture series for junior high school. The teacher should try to use attractive media to attract the students’ interest to write actively and effectively. One of the media that can be used by the teacher in teaching learning process, especially in writing process is picture series. Writing is a complex skill that needs writer’s ability to use appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and to express idea to be written. To make a good writing, the students should have the basic knowledge in grammar or structure, vocabulary, idioms, organizing of ideas, spelling and punctuation. Teaching writing a spoof text through picture series can be done by three activities. They are pre-teaching activities, whilst-teaching activities, and post-teaching activities. There are several advantages of using pictures in teaching writing. First, a picture is one of the most effective substitutes for firsthand experience. Second, pictures are inexpensive and have abundant of variety and scope. Third, picture is unfamiliar medium of communication. Forth, picture can provide stimulus to students to use the language, etc.
Key Words : teaching writing, attractive media, spoof text, picture series