Application of the method of role playing by administering a post-test in the form of TTS in the VIII grade students learning biology junior high school 2 Sungai Penuh


  • Welie . Martalia
  • Nawir . Muhar
  • . Gusmaweti



The purpose of this study was to determine differences in student learning outcomes biology using methods role playing by administering a post-test in the form of TTS and the conventional method in class VIII junior high schools are 2 Sungai Penuh. The population in this study were all students of class VIII junior high schools are 2 by 8 classes in the academic year 2013/2014. Determination of sample classes conducted by purposive sampling method to determine the class while the experimental and control classes is done by random. Obtained experimental class is VIII E class and control class is a class VIII D. The results showed an average value of 77,03 experimental classes while the average value of the control class 70,48. The statistical test at α = 0,05 confidance level obtained tcalculate> ttable(2,26 > 1,67), the hypothesis H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Assesment of learning outcomes in the affective aspects of experimental class 83,46 is higher than in the control class 79,03, while the average value of the experimental aspects of psychomotor class 82,77 is higher than the control class 81,85. From the research it can be concluded that there are differences in the biology of learning outcomes of students who were given treatment in the form of application of the method of role playing by administering a post-test in the form of TTS and the conventional method in class VIII junior high schools 2 Sungai Penuh. Therefore this role playing method should be applied to different biological subject matter.


Keywords: Method of role playing, cognitive, affective and psychomotor


