Faktor-faktor Penyebab Terjadi Konflik Di Kecamatan Hamparan Rawang Kota Sungai Penuh


  • Yofi . Sandra
  • . Yusrizal
  • . Nurharmi


This research is a descriptive study which aims to determine the factors that cause conflicts in the sub river town full of mire expanse. The study population was all people Overlay District of Rawang and sample this research is a young village cape and cape Using sampling techniques Ramdom sampling random or randon regardless of the strata in the population ..The instrument used was a questionnaire, interview and observation. To menginterprestasikannya researchers willuseaGuttmanscale The results showed that the factors causing conflict in because 20% of individual differences, cultural differences 10%, 50% interests clash,andsocialchangeistoorapid20%. The most fundamental thing to be done with regard to the results of research which In any differences should not need to be a conflict when each of us deeply understand the religion. Because in addition to the differences that exist, actually there are also many similarities. Moreover, added the presence of an intense dialogue to both fight the social problems of humanity. Opportunities conflict itself will become smaller if each of us would do the same work in the social-humanitarian issues.


Keywords : Factors,conflict,humanity


