
  • Elvana Rozza
  • Fitrina Harmaini
  • Fatimah Tanjung



The aim of this paper focuses on the implementation of Skype to improve the students speaking ability. It is aimed at 1) identifying whether and to what extend Skype improves speaking skill; 2) describing the situation of class when the Skype is implemented in English language teaching classes. Based on the review of related literature definition of speaking is the productive skill. It could not be separated from listening. When we speak we produce a sentence and it should be meaningful. In the nature of communication, we can find the speaker, the listener, the message and the feedback. Skype is a free communication software that allows users to make calls, send instant messages and do video conferencing online. The purpose of this paper is to describe  the situation of class  when the Skype is implemented to the students of senior high school and explain how Skype influence their speaking ability. The procedure of improving speaking skill through optimizing Skype consists of pre-teaching activities, whilst-teaching activities, and post-teaching activities. Pre-teaching activities the activity done at the beginning of the study, in whilst-teaching activities the teacher intructs and asks them to do some activities, and post teaching activities is necessary as the follow up on what students have studied.


Key words: Speaking, Video Conference Online, Optimizing Skype


