The background of the problem in this study were younger generation considers that the expression ban conveyed parents only to threaten and frighten them, but the implied meaning in the expression of the ban is to regulate the conduct and decorum as a successor to the Minangkabau culture. The purpose of this study was to describe the function, meaning and expression realization ban in public in Kenagarian Kubang Putiah Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam. The theory used is the theory of folklore written by James Danandjaja, theory of expression prohibition written by Kridalaksana, and theories about the meaning written by Abdul Chaer. This research is qualitative research because research data in the form of spoken words of informants by using descriptive method. The data of this study is an expression of the prohibition contained in Kenagarian Kubang Putiah Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam. Data collection techniques in this study is the technique refer, refer to the technique involved conversation, recording techniques, and techniques to analyze the data. Using data analysis techniques, namely: (1) data collection, (2) classification of data, (3) analyzing the data . The results showed that (1) the function expression ban in societies Kenagarian Kubang Putiah Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam is a thickening of religious emotion, delusion / hallucination, educate, and acceptable reason, (2) the expression has the implied meaning and is a means of communication to convey the prohibition to manjaga attitudes and behavior of Minangkabau society to conform to decency, (3) the realization of a ban on public expression in Kenagarian Kubang Putiah Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam used to convey the values of decency, hygiene, religious values to adjust the attitude of the people in everyday life.
Keywords: Actual, phrase Prohibition