Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Mind Map Menggunakan Prezi Pada Materi Teknik Pemrograman Untuk Siswa SMK 5 Padang


  • Yosie Yuniati
  • Rita Desfitri
  • Eril Syahmaidi


Development of Science and Technology run faster in education and becomes an effective and efficient factor to reach the aims of technology in teaching learning process. However, there are some media used by the teacher which caused boring teaching and learning process. Therefore, the students are difficult to understand and remember the material. This present study is intended to create and develop an interactive learning media on the basis of mind map by using Prezi. Web pages are provided and applied in Prezi to create a more interactive media that can be used with or without accessing to the internet. The aims of this research are to produce a mind map-based learning media by using Prezi on the programming technique material and to examine the validity and practicality of the media. This study used a research and development design and Instructional Development Institute (IDI) model consisted of needs analysis, designing, evaluating, and revising – as research procedures. The subjects of this research were 2 validator and 20 students of grade X Elektronika in SMKN 5 Padang. The instrument used was a questionnaire which was analyzed by using SPSS and descriptive analysis. The result of this study was a mind map-based learning media which was validated by the validators and has been tested its practicality by analyzing the questionnaire on the students’ interest, the implementation process, the improvement of active students.

Keywords : Mind Map


