This research aim to for descriptions form and usage of consanquinity greeting word and of nonkekerabatan in Kenagarian Katiagan District Of Kinali Sub-Province of Pasaman Barat. Aspek the checked is form and usage of consanquinity greeting word and of nonkekerabatan in KenagarianKatiagan District Of Kinali Sub-Province of Pasaman West, namely : consanquinity greeting word pursuant to family of is core of and family extended, and greeting word of nonkekerabatan pursuant to public, custom, religion, and position/occupation . Theory the used is theory about greeting word written by Abdul Chaer. this Type Research is research qualitative with method of deskriptitif. Object in this research is Ianguage of Minangkabau and its use in everyday life of KenagarianKatiagan District OfKinali Sub-Province of Pasaman West. Result of data analysis in research found that consanquinity greeting word of berdasrkan family of is core of like abak, apak, ayah, bak tuo, celok, ibuk, inak, ninik, uni, umak,ajo anih, ajo kuniang, angah, uda, utiah, sebut nama, waang, andah, anih, ayang, incim, kau, supiak, buyuang.Greeting consanquinity word pursuant to family extended by like: atuk, ayah uban, inyiak, ungku, anduang, iyak, unyang, uwaik, pak adang, pak anjang, pak ongga, pak uniang, mak tuo, mak uni, mak uwai, mak adang, mak ajo, mak ongga, mak uniang, pak acik, pak enek, pak uncu, apuak, mak angah, uncu, mak acik, mak etek, mak uncu, amak, apak, sutan, panungkek, sebut nama, buyuang, waang, supiak.While greeting word of nonkekerabatan pursuant to public like: sebut nama, apak, etek, inak, ajo kuniang, uda, ayang, one, waang, supiak.Greeting word of non kekerabatan pursuant to position/occupation , example pak camaik, pak wali, pak, pak kapalo, ibuk, buk bidan, pak polisi, pak jorong, kapalo jorong. Greeting word pursuant to religion like: angku, buya, aji, garim, ibuk, imam, ustad, pak,and custom greeting word in the form ofdatuak, panungkek, majalelo.Result of research can be concluded that in KenagarianKatiagan there are eighty one consanquinity greeting morphology and of nonkekerabatan Ianguage of Minangkabau.
Keyword : From Word Greeting and Society of Katiagan