
  • Elvis Fressley
  • . Marsis
  • . Syofiani


This research aim to for mendeskripsikan form moral and erotisme in novel The Parasite Bachelor masterpiece of Ayu Utami. Theory which is used in this research is congeniality of belleslettres told by Atmazaki, novel reality of dikemukkann by Flourishing, congeniality of erotisme by Sitanggang dkk, types of erotisme told by Zaidan, and moral reality by Nurgiyantoro. this Type Research is research qualitative, with descriptive method cave. Step in collecting data is ( 1) reading and comprehending novel as a whole, ( 2) noting and marking datas related to aspect of erotisme moral and. ( 3) data stocktaking related to problems of research. Procedure analyse data is ( 1) grouping data become form of erotisme literal, nonerotisme, and moral, ( 2) analysing data which have been grouped as according to form of erotisme literal, nonerotisme, and moral, ( 3) interpreting result of data analysis, and ( 4) formulating conclusion of research result. Pursuant to result of data analysis found by nine data with form of erotisme literal in depiction of sexual organ and thirteen data in depiction of sexual activity. Fourteen data form nonerotisme in depiction of sexual organ and seven data in depiction of sexual activity. Form literal erotisme which is author digunaka is object words, chest , masturbasi, and coitus smoothly and is aesthetic. Meanwhile form dingkapkan nonerotisme like seks oral, desecrate word and picture of orga sexual vulgarly in the form of text sentences depicting my me which is flange to pornography form. And also five data in the form of moral values. Denga that way, earn disimpulakn that in this novel there are element of erotisme, pornography element, and moral.

Keyword: Erotisme and Moral, Novel The Parasite Bachelor.


