Audiovisual Media Development Toward Activating Main Material and Basic Operating Aplication of Word’s Processing TKJ Department in Class X at SMK


  • Rahmat
  • . Khairudin
  • Eril Syahmaidi


The problems of this research do because the researcher found that there is no development of audiovisual media. The purposes of this research is to make valid audiovisual media which is simple in basic operating aplication of word’s processing TKJ department in class X at SMKN 1 muara bungo. Kind of this research is  research and development. Product testing that researcher did consist of two phases, they are expert validation did in order to see wheter the media made is succed or  not through validation sheet., after doing validation testing from those two validator, researcher foud that the result is 89,58%. Next, the testing which done to find out the students responses toward audiovisual media by using questionaire. The subjects of this research are class X students of SMK 1 muara bungo that is consist of 27 students. After testing this researcher, researcher found that the effectiveness of audiovisual media which is simple is 88,27%. Therefore, researcher concludeds that Audiovisual media development toward activating main material and basic operating aplication of word’s processing is valid. Researcher suggests that the teacher of SMKN 1 muara bungo can apply audiovisual media in material of lesson that has been developed.                                                                                                        Keywords: Audiovisual Media,Valid, Method R&D


