
  • Evi Maesaroh
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Dainur Putri


The objectives of the study are: (1) To describe the intrinsic structure of poetry taken from Singgalang newspaper, (2) To describe extrinsic structure of poetry taken from Singgalang newspaper, (3) To describe the relationship between the intrinsic and extrinsic structure of the poetry taken from Singgalang newspaper. The theory that is applied in this study is poetry structur that expressed by Waluyo (2005). This study is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The data in this study is a poetry of Singgalang newspaper, August 2014 edition. The object of the study are the batin and lahir structure of the poetry. Based on the results of analysis, it can be concluded that: First, the batin structure of the poetry consist of (a) Theme, from ten poetries, there are five of them with different themes which are ; theme of divinity on poetry number 1 and 3, theme of remorse on poetry number 2, theme of struggle on poetry number 4 and 8, theme of love on poetry number 5,7, and 9, and theme of humanism on poetry number 6 and 10. (b) Intonation that can be found the same between the poetries, they are; tone of appreciation on poetry number 1,6, and 9, tone of remorse on poetry number 2, tone of admonition on poetry number 3,4, and 8, tone of conviction, tone of sadness on poetry number 5 and 7, and tone of fear on poetry number 10, Second, lahir structure of the poetry consist of: (a) imagery, the most dominated imagery of the poetries from Singgalang newspaper are imagery of sight, hearing, touch, and movement, (b) figurative language (figure of speech) that is most dominated, are personification, metaphor, hyperbole, (c) typography that can be found are typography of straight line, (d) the poetries on Singgalang newspaper do not too concern in rhythm. Third, the lahir structure, consist of theme, message, and intonation, has strong relationship to the lahir structure which consist of imagery, figurative language, rhyme and rhythm, and typography. The theme of each poetry is strengthened by imagery and the figure of speech.

Keywords: inner structure, the structure of birth, Newspapers Singgalang


