Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa Novel Moga Bunda Disayang Allah Karya Tere Liye
The aim of this research was: (1) to describe diction on the novel of Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye and (2) to describe of using the figure of speech on the novel of Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye. This research used theory of Gorys Keraf (2006) about diction and figure of speech. The type of this research was qualitative by using descriptive method. The collection of data was done by: (1) reading the novel of Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye in order to find out the diction and figure of speech used on the novel (2) marking the research object that has been found, that are diction and the figure of speech on the novel, (3) noting and analyzing all data that have been found based on support instrument of data collection. Technique of data analysis was done by the way of (1) classifying data, (2) analyzing data linked with diction and figure of speech words, (3) making an interpretation diction and figure of speech words, (4) making conclusion based on the data interpretation. Based on the data analysis can be concluded that: first, Diction on the novel Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye described the connotative meaning, scientific words, slank and foreign words. Second, figure of speech was used on the novel Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye described rhetoric such as litotes, hyperbola and ephimism. And then the figure of speech of equal words, metaphor and personification. In general, the usage of diction have been found a lot in the form of connotative words, while in the figure of speech form found was personification and representation. So that based on the research result can be concluded that the novel of Moga Bunda Disayang Allah by Tere Liye used diction and figure of speech
Keywords: Diction, Figure of speech, Novel of Moga Bunda Disayang Allah