Pengembangan Modul Bernuansa Islami (Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadits) Pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi Manusia Untuk SMA Kelas XI MIA


  • Jepri Taroza
  • Azrita .
  • Nawir Muhar




The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and practicalities of Islamic nuances modules developed and Human Reproductive System linking material into Islamic values. This type of research is research development (Development research) with a procedural model. The procedure biology research development nuanced Islamic learning modules using 3-D (three-D Models) of 4-D (four D Models) through the definition phase (define), the design (design), and development (develop). The subjects in this study is the first lecturer of Biology Education Studies Program as well as the first lecturer Study Program Informatics and Computer Engineering University of Bung Hatta and 2 Senior High School Biology Teacher 2 Island Arbor and class XI student of SMAN 2 Island MIA Arbor, amounting to 24 person. Results of the validity of the overall Islamic nuanced modules by lecturers and teachers shows the percentage of the average value is 90.4% with very valid criteria. While the practicalities of Islamic nuances modules by teachers obtained percentage of the average value is 90.5% and the percentage of students obtained an average value of 95.7% which both are in the category of very practical. The conclusion of the study is already produced biological nuances of Islamic learning module on the human reproductive system materials for class XI SMA MIA is very valid and very practical.


Keywords: Module, Islamic, very valid and very practical.


