Nilai-Nilai Religius dalam Novel Senandung Cinta di Lembah Papua Karya Pujia Achmad


  • Andi Rafki
  • . Gusnetti
  • Dainur Putri


The purpose of this research is to describe the pictureof Islamicreligious values exist in the charactersof Senandung Cinta di Lembah Papua, a novel by Pujia Achmad. The theories thoseare usedas support;Semi’s opinion (1988)about the assessmentof literature, Fajri (2009) and Nasrul (2008)about the value of aqidah, syari’ah and morals. The type of this researchis aqualitative research, by usingdescriptive methods. Data collecting are done by : (1) Reading and understanding Senandung Cinta di Lembah Papua novel by Pujia Achmad (togain an perceptionof thecontent of the novelto be studied),  (2) Notedthe contents ofthe novelthatdeals withthe value ofreligiosityas observedfrom the aspect ofcharacterization, plot andbackground, (3) Classifyingthe datathat has been collected. The data analysis techniquesare: (1) Classifying the data, (2) Analysingdata related to thereligious value,includes the value ofaqidah,syari’ahandmorals, (3) Interpretinganalysis results, (4) Making inferencesthatdoresearch based onanalysis ofreligiousviews onaspects ofcharacterization, plot andbackground. Based on the data analysis, itcan be summerized that  there are 18 aqidah values, 17 syari’ah values, and 20 moral values  in "Senandung Cinta di Lembah Papua", a novel by PujiaAchmad. Aqidahvaluefiguresdepictedincludesbelief in God. Syari’ahvaluedepictedfiguresarefasting, readingthe Al-Quran, about marriage, andmissionto conveythe religion of Islam. Furthermore, moral values portrayed figures are morals to God, morals to the family (parents / wife and husband), and morals to parents.

Keywords: Religious values, aqidah, syari’ah, moral, character


