Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Troubleshooting Kerusakan Hardware Komputer Dan Laptop Berbasis Web


  • Resty Azhari
  • Ir. Arnita, MT
  • Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd



Expert system is one branch of applied AI (Artificial Intelligent) which a computer can think and act like humans. The main functions of the expert system is to effectively move the body of knowledge to those who are non-experts. At this final project created an expert system for diagnostics troubleshooting computer and laptop hardware damage web-based to provide information to users in the form of a system that can easily serve the users of computer and laptop to repair at when its hardware to the troubled times, in additionally to saving time, effort as well as cost, and also without having to come to the service center in the field of computer or technician. This expert system to discuss set of problem on the part of the computer and laptop hardware components such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, hard disk, RAM memory, motherboard, and power supply. The design of this system using the method of analysis and design using the waterfall process model where the stage starts from the analysis of software requirements, design, coding and testing. The design of expert system is also designed using Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) as well as a modeling language Unified Modeling Language (UML), coding program uses a web-based programming language is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext Pre-Processor (PHP), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript and MySQL as the database. The last stage is to test the program to the experts. Based on the results of the testing that has been done, the application is built has been running quite optimal, but did not rule out possible errors and deficiencies at the time the application is used.

Keywords: Expert System, Hardware, Computer, Laptop


