Penerapan Model Pembelajaran NHT (Numbered Heads Together) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Perangkat-Perangkat Komputer di SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang


  • Erni Yusnita
  • Dr. Azrita M.Si
  • Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd



The purpose of this study was find out the differences between the students, learning outcomes inITC by using NHT learning strategy (Numbered Heads Togteher) and students learning outcomes by using conventional learning. The population of this research was the fist grade students at SMP Kartika 1-6 padang in academc year 2014/2015, that distrube into 4 class. In choosing the sample, the researcher use purposive samlin. Because of the population has normal contribution, homogeny variant and the same averageso that class VII.4 as exsperiment class and VII.3 as the control class. The data of this study is the students, ICT score that is gotten by giving a test for the students in classsample. To test the hypotesis, the research is used t-testing in. From calculating the data, the researc found out   dan . because , so hypotesis was accepted in level ignificant 95% based on the finding the researcher conclude that the students, learning outcomes that wastaught by using NHT (Numbered Heads Together) learning strategy is better with average score 61,94 than useconventional learning strategy with average score 58,48 basedon the result of the data, the researcher suggest for the teacher to use NHT  (Numbered Heads Together) in teacher ICT as one of alternatives to increase result of students learning.  

Kata Kunci : NHT (Numbered Heads Together) learning technique, learning


