Perancangan Sistem Informasi Nilai Siswa Berbasis Web dengan Dukungan SMS Gateway di SMP Taman Siswa Padang


  • Dini Habibatullah
  • Ayu Bidiawati JR
  • . Gufron


The development of knowledge and technology more fast bring the big effect in the real life. The benefit and domination of technology Information (TI) are need more to support information serve of document processing. One function of TI as information system form is to processing students’ score. The system that designed is information system of student’ score based web with supported by SMS Gateway. The design of this system using analysis method and waterfall design in which the step of design start from need analysis, system of design used Unified Modeling Language (UML) program coding with program language to web based. The last step of design with program testing that have the result a system of information students’ scoring web based with supported by SMS Gateway at SMP Taman Siswa Padang there are more result that get such as information about (daily test score 1, daily test score 2, daily test score 3, midterm score, and final test) can access with SMS Gateway request model, and report card can access by SMS Gateway broadcast model.

Keywords: Information Systems Value, SMS Gateway.


