Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) Berbasis Client – Server Pada SMA Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung dengan Menggunakan Program Java Netbeans IDE 7.3 dan Database MySQL


  • Yellita Novia Susanti
  • Drs. Khairudin M.Si
  • Riska A., M.Kom




The research objective is Generate a new information system that can efficiency clicking right and streamline the work of the committee of new admissions in the process of admission of new students at SMAN 3 Lubuk Basung. SMA Negeri 3 Lubuk Basung still use manual systems  information that is prospective students in the registration process of entering data by writing on the registration form, after the data is written on the registration form and then recapitulated by the committee PSB into the computer. Because the number of students who sign up quite a lot, so in the process input and process data requires substantial time and occur repeatedly recording the data one student. Overcoming it created was an information system for processing data registries on new admissions process, so that if the data input process and prospective students will be generated information quickly, precisely and accurately in accordance with the needs. This study uses waterfall method which analyzes the system from one phase to the next phase. Results are displayed in the form of reports of new admissions. Results are also equipped with explanation students who enroll on the whole, students who pass the selection and who do not pass the selection are displayed in the form of PHP with the MySQL database. The conclusion of this study is to use java program netbeans IDE 7.3 and MySQL database system proved capable of producing new admissions information SMAN 3 Lubuk Basung that can facilitate and accelerate the work of the committee PSB in regular reports.


Keywords: information systems, SMA 3 Lubuk Basung, Java NetBeans IDE 7.3 and MySQL


