Perancangan Sistem Informasi Laboratorium Di SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping Berbasis Web


  • Ferdika S.
  • Ir. Eddy Soesilo M.Eng
  • Karmila Suryani



The lab is a place that is used to conduct experiments as well as training related tophysics, biology, chemistry, and others. Currently the process management of lab in SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping still use the manual way. Data storage-related laboratories are still in the archive folders are stored in a cupboard of the laboratory. The design of a web-based laboratory information systems this is done by using the PHP Programing Language, database using MySQL and modeling language using Unified Modeling Language (UML) making it easier to understand. This system can be accessed by lab officials, teachers, and students. On web-based information system, there are several services such as laboratory tools and material management, the management of grades teaching students, managing the deployment schedule of laboratory, and there is also a digital teaching module for students as well as a gallery. The system also can makeit easy for students and teachers because the system can be accessed wherever and whenever, because of the system have been made online.

Keywords : laboratory information systems, PHP, MysQL, UML


