Teaching Writing Descriptive Text Using Realia


  • Yuli Untari
  • Fitrina Harmaini
  • Lailatul Husna


This paper aims at discussing Teaching Writing of Descriptive Text Using Realia. When students feel bored in teaching writing descriptive text, absolutely teacher should give an attractive and interesting media to them. Realia is real objects in the classroom that can be easily brought and shown in the classroom. One of the medi can be used by teacher in teaching learning process, especially in writing descriptive text. Using realia is an easy media to teach writing descriptive text, the students can see the real objects and the students describe the objects especially to students.The examples of using realia in the classroom, the teacher ask the students to describe their classroom. It  purposes to attract and grow students motivation in learning and mastery English, especially in teaching learning writing descriptive. They are three activities in procedure of teaching writing descriptive text using realia,i.e: Pre-Teaching Activities, Whilst-Teaching Activities, Post-Teaching Activities.

Key Words: Teaching Writing, Descriptive Text, Realia


