Penerapan Metode Discovery Pada Pembelajaran Mendiagnosa PC Kelas X Jurusan TKJ SMKN I KinaliKabupatenPasaman Barat TahunPelajaran 2014/2015


  • Refika Dera
  • . Khairudin
  • Rini Widyastuti


The low learning outcomes in subjects Diagnose PC on the tenth grade student at  TKJ SMKN 1 Kinali westPasaman district, the most basic thing on assment is where 53.3% of students get the score below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). The minimum completeness criteria (KKM) that assigned on the subjects Diagnose PC that is 70 with the   value of range is 0-100. The purpose of this study was to  reveal the application of methods of Discovery on student learning outcomes to the learning Diagnose PC. This research is a quantitative experiments. The study population of this study 92 people and a sample of students of this study 64 people. The sampling technique was randomly (simple random sampling), with homogenous test, test for normality and equality test average. The data of student learning outcomes obtained from subject teachers Diagnose PC, while the data using Discovery collected through a final test using a multiple-choice has been tested for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using statistical methods with SPSS version 17. The result showed that the learning Diagnose PC using Discovery seen from the significant to the learning outcomes ie 3.313> 0.05. So it can be concluded that the results of student learning using Discovery method is better than the results of the study using conventional methods of learning Diagnose PC.

Keywords: DiscoveryMethods, ResultsLearning, Experiment


