Penerapan Motode Pembelajaran Example Non Example Dalam PembelajaranTIK PadaSiswa Kelas VIII SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang


  • Afri Yolanda
  • . Khairudin
  • Yusri Wahyuni


This study was motivated by the problem of low student learning outcomes junior class VIII Kartika 1-6 Padang in ICT learning. Learning is still centered on the teacher, only a few students remaining silent expression. It is seen there are many student who have not reached the maximum completeness criteria, namely 72. The purpose of this study to determine whether the results of student learning ICT learning method Non Example Example is better than the students who study using conventional methods. The subjects were students of class VIII SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang totaling 34 students. Instrument used in this research is to test student learning outcomes and data analysis techniques. The type of research conducted an experiment with a population of eight grade students of SMP Kartika 1-6 Padang. Determination engineering samples by using randomized sampling techniques in order to get the class  as a class experiment VIII.3 and VIII.4 class as the control class. Student learning outcomes, students are given the final test and final test analysis with t-test, tre obtained sig 0,275 with α of 0.05, because sig> α then hypothesis is accepted. It can be concluded that the learning outcomes using non Example Example is better than using conventional methods

Keyword:Learning method, Example Non Example, ICT Learning


